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Britain: Warfare Between 1700 And 1900
A balaclava is a type of ski-mask named after a battle of 1854.

Britain: Warfare Between 1700 And 1900

While studying GCSE History children will learn about warfare involving Britain during different times. One era they will look at is the early modern period from 1700-1900.

The early modern period saw further dramatic changes in the nature of warfare in Britain. Weapons improved as rifles, cannon, bullets and shells came to dominate the battlefield. The use of cavalry declined, and armies became increasingly professional. The experience of the Crimean War encouraged further changes.

Test your knowledge of warfare involving Britain during the early modern period by playing this quiz.

1 .
Which half-Jamaican, half-Scottish woman served as a nurse during the Crimean War, and was named "Greatest Black Briton" in 2004?
Mary Seacole
Norah David
Coretta King
Carol Zephaniah
Having been neglected as a contributor to medical services in the Crimea, she has now been accorded a place of honour alongside Florence Nightingale
2 .
Following the deficiencies shown in the Crimea the British army was reformed by Army Minister Cardwell. Which one of the following changes appeared among his reforms in the 1870's?
Peacetime conscription
Abolition of the sale of officers' commissions
The introduction of a standing army
Insurance against battle wounds
Cardwell put the British army on a more modern footing following the weaknesses shown during the Crimean War between 1853 and 1856
3 .
With which activity was Roger Fenton associated during the Crimea campaign?
Telegraphic communication
Railway transport
The Crimean War saw the further impact of industrialisation and developments in transport, communication, steel production, railways and steamships
4 .
Which British commander described the Battle of Waterloo as "the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life"?
Sir John Moore
Lord Cardigan
Waterloo was a closely fought battle, whose outcome was strongly influenced by the arrival of Prussian forces led by Marshal Blucher
5 .
Which battle during the Crimean War featured the "Charge of the Light Brigade"?
The Alma
The suicidal charge of British cavalry into Russian artillery raised the question of incompetent British generalship during the campaign
6 .
William Russell established himself as the first real war reporter. For which newspaper was he working?
The Morning Post
The Daily Mail
The Times
The Daily Telegraph
Russell spent a significant period in the field, using modern developments in technology to send his reports to London
7 .
What was the principal cause of death among British troops during the Crimean campaign?
Wounds caused by enemy action
"Friendly fire"
Diseases like cholera, typhus, typhoid and dysentery
The Crimea campaign put unprecedented stress on medical facilities
8 .
In which country was Florence Nightingale's hospital at Scutari situated?
The Ottoman Empire
"The lady with the lamp" provided medical facilities away from the main Crimean battlefields
9 .
The Battle of Dettingen (1743) during the War of the Austrian Succession was the last occasion when an English king led his troops into battle. Which king was this?
George I
George III
William III
George II
After Dettingen monarchs avoided the battlefield during conflict, but they continued to visit theatres of war
10 .
Which long campaign was finally brought to an end by the events at Waterloo in 1815?
The Napoleonic Wars
The Peninsular War
The French Revolutionary Wars
The Anglo-French Wars
Waterloo ended a series of intermittent campaigns which had rumbled on since 1792
Author:  Edward Towne

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