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Iraq: 1991 To The Present Day
Iraq launched missiles at Israel during the 1991 campaign.

Iraq: 1991 To The Present Day

One subject students will examine in GCSE History is the situation in Iraq, from 1991 up to the present day.

In 1991 a UN approved coalition of states used a land invasion to remove Iraqi forces from neighbouring Kuwait. The Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein remained, however, in power, until 2003 when President George Bush of the United States led a smaller coalition that removed him from power. The situation in Iraq has been unstable since then up to the present day.

Learn about how the situation in Iraq developed from the war of 1991 up to the present day in this quiz.

1 .
Which of these states did not join the UN military endeavour to oust Iraqi forces from Kuwait in 1991?
Many of Saddam's neighbours feared that his expansionist ambitions would not stop at Kuwait
2 .
After the 2003 invasion, for which city in Southern Iraq were British forces usually responsible?
The US army took responsibility for Baghdad, while their main ally was deployed elsewhere
3 .
What kind of missile did Saddam Hussein launch against Israel during the 1991 campaign?
Katyusha rockets
Saddam Hussein tried to deflect attention onto his arch enemy Israel after the 1991 land campaign was unleashed
4 .
Which Iraqi politician was forced to resign in 2014 for being too partial towards the Shia Muslim community in the country?
Nuri-es Said
Wafiq Said
Recep Erdogan
Since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003 there has been chronic instability and bad relations among most of Iraq's ethnic and faith groups
5 .
Which of the following groups was a major religious minority in Iraq until the early 21st century?
Sunni Muslims
Before recent events Iraq had contained a number of religious minorities living reasonably harmoniously together
6 .
Some US occupying troops were accused of the mistreatment of Iraqis at Abu Ghraib. What kind of location was this?
A barracks
A sports centre
A prison
A naval base
The behaviour of some US troops damaged the reputation of the West
7 .
Which area in the north east of Iraq became effectively an independent state following the 2003 invasion?
The marshes of the lower Euphrates and Tigris valleys
The area adjoining the Syrian border
The deserts adjoining the Kingdom of Jordan
After 2003 cracks began to show in the unity of Saddam's former state
8 .
It was often alleged in the run-up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, that Saddam had substantial stocks of lethal weapons that threatened the wider Middle East and beyond. By what name were such weapons known?
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
Tactical nuclear weapons
Conventional warfare armaments
Chemical and biological warfare agents
Hans Blix, the UN weapons inspector, sought in vain to locate a wide range of weaponry, which was regarded as a threat to the international community
9 .
Which religious group within Islam, located in the south of the country, revolted in 1991 against Saddam in the hope that coalition forces would assist them in removing him?
The UN allies were sympathetic to the plight of persecuted groups, but they abided strictly by the terms of the original UN resolution
10 .
Which US general led the coalition's land forces during the 1991 attack on Iraq?
This Vietnam veteran coped well with a varied group of military partners
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - The invasion of Iraq, 2003

Author:  Edward Towne

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