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Medicine: The Twentieth Century
A charge was introduced for false teeth in order to finance the Korean War.

Medicine: The Twentieth Century

In GCSE History students will look at the world of medicine and the advancements that have been made in it over time. One period they will look at is the 20th Century, focussing particularly on the NHS.

The key event in medicine in 20th Century Britain was undoubtedly the setting up of the NHS in 1948. Free public healthcare at the point of use was hailed as a major advance in its time. Sadly, the NHS began to show signs of age after about 30 years, and a debate began about how best to reform it.

Test your knowledge of medicine in 20th Century Britain in this quiz.

1 .
Which group of medical practitioners were allowed under the NHS to keep their lucrative private practices as well as their NHS salaries?
Junior Hospital Doctors
Private practice was far from abolished: it was tolerated, even encouraged
2 .
Which elected government bodies opposed the NHS, as they would have to relinquish control over local hospitals?
National Assistance Boards
Local authorities
Community Health Councils
Trades Councils
It was decided at an early stage that hospitals would be centrally controlled
3 .
Which cabinet minister steered the NHS legislation through by the summer of 1948?
Ernest Bevin
Herbert Morrison
Hugh Dalton
Aneurin Bevan
This was a job that demanded great patience, tact and determination
4 .
The Conservatives under Thatcher and the Labour Party under Blair sought more funding for the NHS from the private sector. Blair's PFI was highly controversial. What does PFI stand for?
Public Finance Initiative
Private Funding Initiative
Private Finance Initiative
Private Funds Idea
The only other way of raising more money was through higher taxation, which both prime ministers opposed
5 .
In Beveridge's Report of 1942, he argued in favour of a welfare state, including a free health service. Which of the following categories of people did he feel deserving of free health care?
Bombing casualties
Black market operators
Conscientious objectors
Returning exiles
Beveridge was a liberal, but it was the Labour Party that embraced his ideas and carried them out
6 .
All NHS treatment was free at the point of use, but in the early 1950s charges were imposed on certain items to pay for the Korean War. Which of the following was now charged?
Creams for skin infections
Vaccinations against smallpox
False teeth
Hearing aids
The Chancellor of the Exchequer could see no other way of paying for this foreign policy crisis
7 .
Which doctors' organisation at first rejected the NHS idea, and then changed its mind?
The British Medical Association
The Royal College of Surgeons
The Royal College of Physicians
The "Lancet"
The Labour Government was skilled at dividing the medical profession by buying off sections of it with bribes
8 .
Which of the following factors is the greatest long-term threat to the NHS's present structure and organisation?
A higher percentage of children surviving into adulthood
The elimination of dangerous diseases
The continued prevalence of peace over war
An increasingly ageing population, as people live longer lives without directly contributing in most cases to the Service's funds
All of these factors affect the NHS already. But the latter is the most serious one
9 .
In 1969 responsibility for health care in Wales was removed from the Secretary of State for Health and given to which other minister?
The Secretary of State for Wales
The Home Secretary
The Chancellor of the Exchequer
The Foreign Secretary
This move was undertaken partly to satisfy Welsh public opinion. But it is not clear that it made health provision in Wales more efficient
10 .
Which one of the following types of organisations provided health insurance before the setting up of the NHS?
Friendly Societies
Health Clubs
Food Banks
If you did not wish to pay for health care, charitable provision or insurance policies were the only alternatives before 1948
Author:  Edward Towne

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