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Terrorism Since 1969:  The PLO, Al-Qaeda And The 'War On Terror'
The USA claimed that Iraq had 'weapons of mass destruction' capable of targeting states a long way from her borders.

Terrorism Since 1969:  The PLO, Al-Qaeda And The 'War On Terror'

In GCSE History, terrorism from 1969 up to the present day is one of the subjects studied. This is the second of two quizzes on the topic, focussing on the PLO, Al-Qaeda and the "War on Terror".

Terrorism has haunted the Middle East for a long time. The state of Israel has been challenged by militant Palestinians, who rejected its legitimacy, ever since its establishment in1948. The PLO was founded to advance the Palestinian cause. The Al-Qaeda organisation had much wider aims and provoked the "War on Terror" after the 9/11 attacks.

Test your knowledge of the PLO, Al-Qaeda and the "War on Terror" in this, the second of two quizzes on terrorism.

1 .
In which state was Bin Laden killed by US naval special forces?
Saudi Arabia
The state government was greatly embarrassed by Bin Laden's presence on its soil
2 .
Against which state was "Operation Enduring Freedom" directed in 2001?
The US was anxious to root out and destroy Al-Qaeda terrorists anywhere in the world - but particularly in the state which they believed had harboured the hijackers of 9/11 and was still a safe haven for their supporters
3 .
Who was the US Secretary of State who presented to the UN the case for an invasion of Iraq in 2003?
Madeleine Albright
Colin Powell
Condoleezza Rice
James Baker
The speech alleged that Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi dictator, had "weapons of mass destruction", that threatened states within a wide radius of Baghdad. These claims turned out to be false
4 .
Who first used the term "The War on Terror"?
Donald Rumsfeld
Henry Kissinger
President George W. Bush
President George Bush, Senior
The US government was convinced that there was a worldwide terror network that involved both Iraq and Iran - and many other Muslim states
5 .
Which senior US general commanded allied troops in Afghanistan from 2010-2011, before being appointed to direct the Central Intelligence Agency?
This commander had an excellent academic and military record, with a recent command in Iraq
6 .
In which state was Osama Bin Laden born?
Saudi Arabia
Bin Laden came from a prosperous business family, but he became increasingly concerned by United States influence in the Middle East and by some Arab states' support of US policy
7 .
Who became the PLO leader after Arafat's death in 2004?
Mahmoud Abbas
Zaki Nuseibeh
Shahid Erekat
The PLO leadership faced numerous difficulties: rivalry from more militant groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, and opposition from strongly nationalist Israeli governments
8 .
Al-Qaeda attacked US embassy buildings in 1998 in Africa, resulting in heavy loss of life. Which of the following cities suffered such an attack?
The purpose of the assaults seems to have been to punish African states for co-operating with Washington
9 .
What status did the PLO achieve at the UN under Yasser Arafat's leadership?
Full membership of the General Assembly
Observer status
Full membership of the Security Council
No status at all
The PLO operated on several levels: militarily with its guerrilla campaign, and politically and diplomatically with its search for recognition at the UN
10 .
In 1970 the PLO was forced to move from one Arab country to another. What name is given to this process?
Black September
The First Intifada
The Second Intifada
Peace in Galilee
All Arab states sympathised with the PLO , but not all of them wanted the PLO to operate from their territory - partly for fear of Israeli reprisals
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - 9/11 and the 'war on terror'

Author:  Edward Towne

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