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Year 2 - The Best Sentence 1
Can you spot which sentences are perfect in this quiz?

Year 2 - The Best Sentence 1

This 'The Best Sentence 1' spelling quiz asks KS1 children to read whole sentences and spot the one with the correct spelling or spellings. This will aid their editing skills as well as test their knowledge on spellings. As an extension, you can ask the child what is wrong with the other three sentences and how to spell the incorrect word.

When we’ve written a sentence or a story, we should always read through our work again to make sure it is perfect. In each question only one sentence is perfect, the others have one or more spelling mistakes.

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1 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
This is a red squirrel eating a nut.
This is a red squirel eeting a nut.
This is a red squirel eating a nut.
This is a red squirral eating a nut.
Every sentence should end with a full stop.
2 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
I want to eet chicken and rice please.
I wan't to eat chicken and rice please.
I want to eat chicken and rice please.
I want to eat chicken and rice pleese.
Please is a high frequency word, so try and remember how to spell it and always make sure you say it when asking for something.
3 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
He is buillding a chimney.
He is building a chinney.
He is building a chimney.
He is bilding a chimney.
The word chimney has two syllables.
4 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
Monday morning tests mace her sad.
Monday morning tests make her sad.
Munday morning tests make her sad.
Munday morninng tests make her sad.
Every time you write a day or month, make sure it is written with a capital letter.
5 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
This is our nationl flag.
This is our nasional flag.
This is ur national flag.
This is our national flag.
The flag is called the Union Jack.
6 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
He couldn't improve his spellings as he got full marks!
He coldn't improve his spellings as he got full marks!
He could'nt improve his spellings as he got full marks!
He couldn't improve his spellings as he got ful marks!
The word 'couldn't' is two words pushed or contracted together.
7 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
They were worred it would toppal over.
They were worried it would toppal over.
They where worried it would topple over.
They were worried it would topple over.
If you put an 'h' in 'were' you change it to where, which is a location.
8 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
You'l be late if you don't look at your watch.
You'll be late if you don't look at your watch.
You'll be late if you dont look at your watch.
You'll be late if you don't look at your wach.
There are two contractions in this sentence: you'll and don't.
9 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
This is the happyest camel in the werld!
This is the happiest camel in the werld!
This is the happyest camel in the world!
This is the happiest camel in the world!
When you write, make sure you always include finger spaces.
10 .
Can you find the perfect sentence?
Would you licke to join me in space?
Would you like to join me in space?
Wold you like to join me in space?
Woulld you like to join me in space?
Every sentence should start with a capital letter.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Spelling

Author:  Finola Waller

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