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Apostrophes - Contractions (Adding 'Have' and 'Had')
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Apostrophes - Contractions (Adding 'Have' and 'Had')

This quiz looks at apostrophes for contractions. It teaches children in their English and Literacy classes about connecting two words, the latter being ‘have’ and ‘had’. The National Curriculum states that Year 2 children at KS1 level should be able to use an apostrophe to show contraction when a letter is missing.

The shorter way of writing ‘I have’ is ‘I’ve’ - you ignore the ‘ha’ and for ‘I had’ you would write ‘I’d’ - removing the ‘ha’ again. When two words are pushed together like this, we call them contractions.

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1 .
Which of these sentences is perfect?
I should've blown fewer bubbles because Ive now run out of breath!
I shouldve blown fewer bubbles because I've now run out of breath!
I should'ave blown fewer bubbles because I've now run out of breath!
I should've blown fewer bubbles because I've now run out of breath!
A sentence can have more than one contraction in it. In fact, you can write as many contractions as you like. Just make sure your sentence still makes sense.
2 .
Which of these sentences is correct, with the correct use of a contraction?
Theyh'd been walking for hours.
They'd been walking for hours.
They'd been walking'or hours.
They had been walking for hours.
We can't contract any two words we fancy, only certain words like the two we've been practising. If in doubt, look at the word and ask yourself if it seems familiar.
3 .
Which words cannot be contracted?
they had
they have
you is
you have
You can contract the word 'is' to 'he' or 'she' like so - he's or she's.
4 .
You had better be careful. Which of these contractions is correct for 'you had'?
If you contract two words together, it is sometimes a good idea to read the sentence as if they have been separated just to make sure the sentence makes sense.
5 .
Which sentence is perfect?
Theyve told her she can fly tomorrow but I'd prefer her to wait a year or two.
They've told her she can fly tomorrow but Id prefer her to wait a year or two.
They've told her she can fly tomorrow but I'd prefer her to wait a year or two.
They'ave told her she can fly tomorrow but I'd prefer her to wait a year or two.
The sun is over 300,000 times larger than earth.
6 .
Which of these sentences is correct, with the correct use of a contraction?
We've had a great time in the snow.
We'have had a great time in the snow.
We have had a great time in the snow.
We've'd a great time in the snow.
The last sentence is wrong because you can only contract two words together, not three.
7 .
He should've been more careful. Which letters have the apostrophe replaced?
The idea of slipping on a banana is as common and as funny as a pie in the face. This is called slapstick humour.
8 .
Which words cannot be contracted?
we had
she have
you had
I had
Contractions were around in the sixteenth century, that's over five hundred years ago!
9 .
Which of these sentences is correct, with the correct use of a contraction?
You'ave filled the bin too high.
You'e filled the bin too high.
Youh've filled the bin too high.
You've filled the bin too high.
One recycled glass bottle could save enough energy to power a computer for twenty five minutes.
10 .
I have a long way to travel. Which of these contractions is correct for 'I have'?
Above sea level, Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Using apostrophes to contract words

Author:  Finola Waller

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