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Poetry - Acrostic Poems
Can you think of an acrostic poem for your name?

Poetry - Acrostic Poems

This KS1 Poetry quiz introduces children to acrostic poems. In Key Stage 1 children will start to learn about acrostic poems. This quiz will aid their understanding of this type of poetry. Acrostic poems are a lot of fun and will not only get children thinking about which words of the English language to use, but also expand their literacy skills.

An acrostic poem looks at a key word and then asks you to write a line about that word. Each line you start should begin with a letter from that word. An example is:

H - igh on my head
A - lways looking good
T - he best headwear!

This poem is about hats and if you look at the first letter of each line, it spells the word hat. Now test your knowledge on acrostic poems.

To see a larger image, click on the picture.

1 .
If I were writing an acrostic poem on the word 'carpet', what would my third sentence have to begin with?
Carpets can't be moved, whereas a rug can.
2 .
Which answer would be the first line in the acrostic poem called 'Palm Tree'?
Placed by the beach
Picnics full of wasps
Potatoes are nice to eat
Please buy one now.
This one was a little tricky - you had to pick the answer that made the most sense and was somehow related to palm trees and the picture.
3 .
If I were writing an acrostic poem on the word 'pineapple', what would my last sentence have to begin with?
It takes three years for a pineapple to grow so that it's ready to be eaten.
4 .
If I were writing an acrostic poem on the word 'rainbow', what would my fifth sentence have to begin with?
When we write an acrostic poem, we have to make sure the lines or sentences we write are still to do with the word. So each line we would write in this poem should be about rainbows.
5 .
Which answer would be the first line in the acrostic poem called 'Stamp'?
Always put one on your envelope.
Must be in the corner.
Picture of Queen Elizabeth.
Stick it with a lick.
Every line will begin with a capital letter.
6 .
If I were writing an acrostic poem on the word 'hammer', what would my second sentence have to begin with?
In Norse mythology, the god Thor carries a hammer.
7 .
If I were writing an acrostic poem on the word 'yellow', what would my first sentence have to begin with?
The second sentence in the poem would have to begin with e.
8 .
Which answer would be the third line in the acrostic poem called 'Helicopter'?
Lovely being up so high
How they fly so high
Everyone enjoys a ride
Can't wait to go on one again
When you finish a line in poetry, you don't have to add punctuation. This means, you don't have to end each line with a full stop if you don't want to!
9 .
If I were writing an acrostic poem on the word 'sun', what would my first sentence have to begin with?
The first line would have to begin with s, then the second would be u and the last line would begin with n.
10 .
Which answer would be the sixth line in the acrostic poem called 'Hedgehog'?
Easy to prick your fingers on
Going through the bushes
Housing elephants
Hear him rustle his spikes
The other h option is wrong because it doesn't make sense. Each line has to be about the word hedgehog. It could say what they are like, how they sound - anything.
Author:  Finola Waller

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