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Practice - Grammar and Punctuation - 04

Welcome to our fun grammar and punctuation quiz! This quiz has been designed just for you, KS1 students. It will help you to understand sentence structure and become familiar with various punctuation marks. Are you ready to explore the magical world of words and punctuation? Let's see how well you can do!
1 .
Which punctuation is used to end a question?
Full stop
Exclamation mark
Question mark
A question mark (?) is used at the end of a question.
2 .
What punctuation is used to end a sentence?
Full stop
A full stop (.) is most commonly used to end a sentence.
3 .
Is this sentence correct? 'I have two cats .'
None of the above
No, the sentence should be 'I have two cats.' There should be no space before a full stop.
4 .
Which punctuation is used to show excitement or surprise?
Exclamation mark
Full stop
Question mark
An exclamation mark (!) is used to show excitement, surprise, or strong feelings.
5 .
Is this sentence structured correctly? 'Am basketball good I at.'
None of the above
No, the sentence is not structured correctly. It should be: 'I am good at basketball.'
6 .
Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
Look out, the ball's coming this way!
look out the balls coming this way
Look out, the ball's coming this way
Look out the balls coming this way.
Option A is correct because it starts with a capital letter, has a comma to separate clauses, and ends with an exclamation mark.
7 .
Which punctuation is used to separate words in a sentence?
Full stop
Exclamation mark
Question mark
A comma (,) is used to separate words or groups of words in a sentence.
8 .
Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
I have a doll, a teddy bear, and a car.
I have a doll a teddy bear, and a car
I have a doll a teddy bear and, a car
I have, a doll a teddy, bear and a car.
Option A is correct because it uses commas correctly to separate items in the list.
9 .
Which sentence is correct?
I like to play outside and go to the park.
I to play like outside go and the to park.
I park the to go and play outside like.
Like to play I outside and go to park the.
Option A is the correct sentence structure.
10 .
What punctuation is used to start sentences?
Full stop
Capital letter
Exclamation mark
All sentences start with a capital letter.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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