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Practice - Speaking and Listening - 03

Hello, young word explorers! Ready to jump into the wonderful world of speaking and listening? This fun quiz will test your knowledge on how to properly respond to others and develop your conversation skills! So, get ready, put your thinking caps on and let's start the exciting journey!
1 .
If you didn't hear something clearly, what should you say?
'I wasn't listening'
'Speak louder'
'Can you please repeat that?'
'Never mind'
Saying 'Can you please repeat that?' is a polite way of asking someone to say something again if you didn't hear it properly.
2 .
Which of these is a polite response when someone says 'Hello'?
'Who are you?'
'Go away'
No response
Responding 'Hello' back when someone says hello to you is the polite and appropriate way to respond.
3 .
If you need to get a teacher's attention during class, what should you do?
Start shouting
Raise your hand
Start throwing things
Forget about it
Raising your hand is the correct and respectful way to get a teacher's attention during class.
4 .
What is the proper way to respond when somebody apologises?
'I never really liked you anyway'
'Who cares?'
'That's ok'
Responding with 'That's ok' is a polite way to accept someone's apology.
5 .
Which of these is not an appropriate response when someone says 'Good job'?
'Don't praise me'
'Thank you'
'Thanks, I worked hard on it'
'I appreciate that'
Responding with 'Don't praise me' is not appropriate. It's okay to appreciate the recognition of your efforts by saying 'Thank you' or 'I appreciate that'.
6 .
Which of these is the correct way to ask for permission to leave the table?
'I am leaving!'
'Can I go now?'
'May I be excused?'
'I don't want to stay here!'
Saying 'May I be excused?' is a polite way of asking for permission to leave the table.
7 .
Is it polite to interrupt others while they speak?
It is generally considered rude to interrupt others while they are speaking. The right thing is to wait for your turn to speak.
8 .
If a classmate offers you an apple, what do you say to show appreciation?
'No, thank you'
'You are bad'
'Thank you'
'What is this?'
Saying 'Thank you' is a polite way to show appreciation when someone gives you something.
9 .
Is it polite to listen when others are talking?
Only if you want to
It doesn't matter
Listening when others are talking is polite. It shows that you respect their opinion and you also may learn something new.
10 .
How do you respond when someone asks, 'How are you?'?
'What's it to you?'
'I am fine, thank you. How are you?'
'Don't talk to me'
No response
Saying 'I am fine, thank you. How are you?' is a polite and appropriate response.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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