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Practice - Multiplication and Division - 01

Welcome little champions! Are you ready for a fun adventure with numbers? This quiz is all about multiplication and division. Don't worry, it's not too tricky. It's like playing on a number see-saw! Just make sure you think carefully about your answers. There could be chocolate coins, apples or even elephants involved in these problems. So, put on your thinking caps and let’s dive into the world of multiplication and division. Ready, set, GO!
Question 1
2 blue birds and 2 red birds sit on each branch of a tree. How many birds are there on 5 branches?
15 birds
10 birds
20 birds
25 birds
Each branch has 4 birds (2 blue and 2 red). Therefore, 5 branches will have 5 times 4, which is 20 birds.
Question 2
If there are 5 apples in one bag, how many apples are there in 3 bags?
8 apples
15 apples
10 apples
18 apples
By multiplying the number of apples in one bag (5) by the number of bags (3), we get 15 apples.
Question 3
If 1 chocolate bar costs £2, how much will it cost to buy 5 chocolate bars?
By multiplying the cost of one chocolate (£2) by 5, we find that 5 chocolate bars cost £10.
Question 4
If you bought 4 lollipops for £1, how much would 8 lollipops cost?
Since 4 lollipops cost £1, then the cost will be doubled to get 8 lollipops, which is £2.
Question 5
At a party, there are 24 cupcakes to be shared equally among 8 children. How many cupcakes does each child get?
2 cupcakes
4 cupcakes
3 cupcakes
6 cupcakes
When they divide the 24 cupcakes into 8 portions, each child gets 3 cupcakes.
Question 6
You have 20 sweets and you want to share them equally into 4 boxes. How many sweets will be in each box?
5 sweets
6 sweets
4 sweets
7 sweets
When you divide 20 sweets into 4 boxes, each box gets 5 sweets.
Question 7
If a bicycle has 2 wheels, how many wheels are there on 5 bicycles?
7 wheels
10 wheels
8 wheels
12 wheels
Multiplying the number of wheels on one bicycle (2) by the number of bicycles (5) gives us 10 wheels.
Question 8
There are 16 biscuits shared amongst 4 friends. How many biscuits is each friend getting?
5 biscuits
4 biscuits
3 biscuits
6 biscuits
By dividing the total number of biscuits (16) by the number of friends (4), we find that each friend gets 4 biscuits.
Question 9
A packet of 6 stickers costs £3. How much would 3 packets cost?
Since one packet costs £3, three packets will cost £3 multiplied by 3, which is £9.
Question 10
If there are 4 legs on a table and we have 12 legs in all, how many tables are there?
12 tables
2 tables
3 tables
9 tables
A standard table has 4 legs, and 12 divided by 4 is 3, so we have a total of 3 tables.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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