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Year 2 Time - Telling the Time and Understanding its Units
If I start reading my book at half past 10 and finish it 4 hours later, what time do I finish my book?

Year 2 Time - Telling the Time and Understanding its Units

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS1 Maths and Numeracy for children aged 6 and 7 in year 2. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with telling the time and understanding units of time.

Once children in Year 2 are familiar with telling the time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour, and can also tell the time to 5 minutes, to test their understanding they will be expected to solve simple problems to do with time. These problems will focus on the units of time, hours, half hours and quarter hours, and will be set in real life contexts such as journeys or TV programmes.

This quiz will help children to understand the units of time and so help them to tell the time.

Question 1
It's half past 7. How long is it until 8 o'clock?
Quarter of an hour
1 hour
60 minutes
30 minutes
It's 30 minutes, or half an hour, until 8 o'clock
Question 2
It takes Ben 20 minutes to walk to town. Sam takes 20 minutes more than Ben. How long does it take Sam to walk to town?
40 minutes
25 minutes
20 minutes
15 minutes
20 + 20 = 40, so Sam takes 40 minutes to get there
Question 3
It's 3 o'clock. What time will it be in half an hour?
Half past 2
Half past 3
Ten to 4
Five past 3
Half an hour is the same as 30 minutes
Question 4
School starts at 9 o'clock. It takes me half an hour to walk to school from my house. What time should I leave home?
Half past 8
Quarter to 9
Five to 9
Twenty past 7
If it takes half an hour to get to school, this is the latest time I should leave
Question 5
If school starts at 9 o'clock, and finishes at 3 o'clock, how many hours do I spend in school each day?
3 hours
6 hours
9 hours
4 hours
Counting from 9 to 3 gives us 6 hours altogether
Question 6
I spend 15 minutes reading, 30 minutes watching TV and 15 minutes drawing. How much time have I spent doing these activities?
120 minutes
45 minutes
50 minutes
60 minutes
60 minutes is the same as 1 hour
Question 7
Max bakes a cake. He takes 30 minutes to mix all the ingredients and 30 minutes to bake the cake. How long will the cake take in total?
40 minutes
1 hour
30 minutes
2 hours
30 minutes plus 30 minutes makes 60 minutes, which is 1 hour
Question 8
I start reading my book at half past 10, and finish it 4 hours later. What time do I finish my book?
Half past 6
Half past 12
Half past 4
Half past 2
Half past 11, half past 12, half past 1, half past 2
Question 9
I watch my favourite TV programme at 5 o'clock. It lasts for an hour. What time will it finish?
Half past 5
Five to 5
7 o'clock
6 o'clock
1 hour later than 5 o'clock is 6 o'clock
Question 10
Joe visits the park and spends an hour there. If it takes 15 minutes to walk to the park, and 15 minutes to walk back again, how long is Joe out for?
One and a half hours
60 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
15 minutes and 15 minutes makes 30 minutes altogether, plus the hour at the park
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - How to tell the time

Author:  Angela Smith

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