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Running is good exercise.


This KS1 PSHE quiz will help children to understand the importance of taking part in exercise and help them to understand the changes that will happen to the body when they exercise and why these changes are happening. It will also give them examples of ways to exercise on a regular basis either on their own or with their friends at school.

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and should be promoted from an early age. It can benefit the mind and body in many different ways and can take many different forms from team activities to individual ones.

See if you can get full marks in this enjoyable quiz all about exercise.

1 .
What happens to your muscles when you exercise?
They get stronger
They get weaker
They get smaller
They stay the same
When you exercise, you use your muscles and they start to get bigger and stronger the more you use them
2 .
What exercise can you do with your friends in the playground at school?
Horse riding
Exercise can be done when you play games with your friends at school that involve running around
3 .
What exercise can you do in a pool?
Not all exercise can be done on the ground. Swimming is a good way to exercise and strengthen our muscles, and needs to be done in water
4 .
How often should you exercise?
Once a year
Once a month
Once a week
Once a day
It is important that children do some form of exercise every day. This can be a sport class, swimming lesson or even running around with friends
5 .
Which of these is not a type of exercise?
Playing football
Playing computer games
You can exercise in lots of different ways but they all involve moving around and getting active. Sitting down and playing computer games can be fun - but it is not exercise
6 .
What should you do after you exercise?
Tell someone
Have a drink of water
Have a nap
Eat some sweets
When you exercise your body starts to sweat and you should replace this by drinking some water
7 .
What happens to your heart when you exercise?
It beats slower and softer
It stays the same
It beats harder and faster
It changes colour
When you exercise, you can feel your heart beating harder and faster. This is because it needs to pump more oxygen-rich blood to the muscles
8 .
What happens to your breathing when you exercise?
You breathe faster
You breathe slower
You breathe the same
You do not breathe
When you exercise, you breathe faster so that you can get more oxygen into the body
9 .
Which sentence is NOT true?
Exercise helps make your muscles stronger
Exercise helps keep your heart and lungs healthy
Exercise helps you to stay clean
Exercise helps you to stay happy
Exercise does not keep us clean - in fact, it is a good idea to have a wash after exercising to remove any dirt or sweat. Exercise is very good at keeping us healthy and happy instead
10 .
How does your body feel when you exercise?
It feels colder
It stays the same
It feels warmer
It freezes
Your body temperature increases when you exercise and this will make you feel warmer. You will also notice that you start to sweat. This is the body’s way of cooling you down so you don’t get too hot
Author:  Terri Brown

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