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It is good manners to bow in Japan.


Manners are words and actions that we can do to help us be nice to others. It is important to be polite and use our manners whenever possible. This quiz will give you examples of how to use good manners.

You should already know quite a few manners which your parents will have taught you, such as saying please or thank you. There are many more to learn as you grow up.

Even as an adult, manners still matter. In the UK, business people often shake hands as a sign of greeting and good manners. In Japan, business people don't shake hands – they bow to each other to show their respect and this is also good manners.

Play this quiz and if you get all the questions correct, then you have a good understanding of manners.

1 .
If you upset someone what should you say to them?
It wasn't me
Oh dear
Saying sorry shows that you did not mean to upset or hurt another person and that you won’t do it again. Sometimes we can upset people by accident and it’s very important that we say sorry
2 .
If you are finding something hard and someone asks if they can help you what should you say?
Yes please
Go away
Hurry up
It is good manners to say please when you want someone to help you. Once they have finished you should also say thank you
3 .
If you do a burp what should you do with your hands?
Put them over your eyes
Put them in your pockets
Put them in the air
Put them over your mouth
You should put your hands over your mouth when you burp or cough. This stops germs from leaving your mouth and spreading from one person to another
4 .
If you need to interrupt someone in an emergency what should you say first?
Shut up
Excuse me
Listen to me
Hurry up
If you are unable to wait for another person to stop talking because you have to tell them something quickly, like in an emergency, you can get their attention by saying excuse me first. This way they are more likely to listen to you instead of thinking that you are being rude
5 .
What should you say after a burp?
Pardon me
Thank you
If you do need to do a burp in front of other people, it is good manners to say pardon me or excuse me
6 .
If you want to play with a friend’s toy what should you do first?
Take it when they are not looking
Tell everyone it is yours
Wash it
Ask them if you can have a go
If you want to use something that belongs to someone else it is polite to ask them nicely if you can use it. This shows them that you know it is theirs and that you will return it when you are finished with it. Remember to say please when you ask
7 .
If someone thanks you for doing something nice for them what should you say?
Now it is your turn
I am sorry
You are welcome
I am not doing it again
When someone thanks you it is polite to say you are welcome, this shows that you are happy to help them
8 .
If you want to talk when someone else is talking what should you do?
Talk over them
Walk away
Wait your turn
It is polite to let others finish talking before you start talking. If you listen to them you may find what they are saying interesting
9 .
If someone if walking behind you as you go through a doorway what should you do?
Hold the door open for them
Shut the door before they get through
Run away
Laugh at them
It is nice to hold the door open for people as it makes it easier for them. This is especially nice if they have their hands full and are unable to open the door themselves
10 .
If someone does something nice for you what should you say to them?
Thank you
It is polite to say thank you to others when they do something nice for you. People are more likely to help you again if you are nice and thank them
Author:  Terri Brown

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