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Practice - Reading - 08

Welcome young bookworms, we've got an exciting journey prepared for you. Reading is not just putting words together, but understanding the meaning behind them. This Quiz will light your path to developing reading skills and help you become an expert reader. So, tie up your laces, put on your thinking caps, and let's dive into the thrilling world of words.
1 .
What tense is the verb in this sentence: 'I helped my mother yesterday'?
Present tense
Past tense
Future tense
Present continuous tense
In this sentence, the verb 'helped' is in the past tense, because the action has already been completed.
2 .
What verb describes the action of a rabbit when it moves quickly by jumping short distances?
Rabbits 'hop' when they move quickly by jumping with both their feet together. 'Leaping' means jumping large heights or distances.
3 .
What do we call the words like 'and', 'but' and 'so' that are used to link words, sentences or parts of sentences together?
Conjunctions are words used to connect clauses or sentences.
4 .
What is alliteration?
The use of synonyms
Repeating the same sound at the beginnings of words
The use of rhyming words
The use of antonyms
Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial letter in successive words. It's a stylistic device used in literature and poetry to create a rhythm or a mood.
5 .
Which term defines a story's high point or turning point?
The climax is the most intense part of the story, often where the main conflict is decided.
6 .
What does the term 'Protagonist' mean?
The main villain in a story
The main character in a story
A side character in a story
The location of a story
The protagonist is usually the 'main' character around whom the story revolves.
7 .
What does the term 'Simile' mean?
A type of music
A type of tree
A figure of speech that compares two things
A type of fabric
Similes are figures of speech that compare two unlike things and often uses the words 'like' or 'as'. An example would be: 'She is as brave as a lion'.
8 .
Which word describes something that is enormous?
'Vast' describes something large or immense.
9 .
What is an onomatopoeia?
A type of poem
A bird species
A word that sounds like what it describes
A historical period
Onomatopoeia is a word that phonetically imitates or suggests the sound that it describes. Examples include words like 'buzz' or 'sizzle'.
10 .
What is an adjective?
A word that describes a verb
A word that describes a noun
A word that describes an adverb
A word that describes a preposition
An adjective is a word that describes or modifies a noun, like 'happy', 'red', or 'brave'.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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