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Yoghurt with strawberries, mint and spoon
In which food group would you find yoghurt?

Food Groups

This KS2 PSHE quiz will teach you all about the different food groups and what role they play in our bodies, it will also help you identify which foods belong to which groups so you can make sure you are eating a balanced diet.

There are five main food groups that each individual should eat as part of a balanced diet, these are; Carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, fats and oils, dairy, and proteins. Each of these food groups has a special role to play in keeping our bodies healthy and preventing illness. Although it is important to make sure we eat food from each group it is also important that we eat them in the right quantities, this means that over a third of the food we eat should be fruits and vegetables, another third should be carbohydrates and the remaining third should be made up a combination of dairy, fats and proteins. Sugar can also be consumed in small quantities but as it is not required by the body it does not fit within one of the main food groups. In addition to eating a balanced diet it is also important that we drink plenty of water and exercise on a regular basis to ensure we live a healthy lifestyle.

1 .
How can we make carbohydrates even healthier?
Eat them raw
Choose the wholegrain options
Eat them cooked
Choose the white options
Opting for the wholegrain breads and pastas is healthier because they have been made using the whole of the grain, meaning they contain more fibre and vitamins
2 .
Which of these meals includes all 5 food groups?
Fish, chips and mushy peas with a can of pop
Hotdogs, chips and spaghetti hoops with a glass of milk
Chicken, peas, jacket potato with butter and a glass of milk
Salmon, salad and a glass of water
Chicken is a protein, peas are a vegetable, jacket potato is a carbohydrate, butter is a fat and a glass of milk is diary. Although not every meal needs to include all 5 it is good to be able to recognise them
3 .
Why is it important to include dairy in our diet?
It helps make our hair grow
It helps us to breathe
It helps make our bones strong
It gives us energy
Dairy is a good source of calcium that helps keep our bones strong. Dairy can be found in milk, cheese and yoghurts
4 .
How can we make eating fats healthier?
Choose non-saturated fats
Choose saturated fats
Choose to avoid all fats
Choose our favourite fats
Non-saturated fats are a heathier option as they can help to lower cholesterol and help prevent heart problems, so wherever possible try and swap saturated for non-saturated fats
5 .
How often should we eat fish?
Only on a Friday
At least twice a week
Every day for breakfast
We should aim to eat fish at least twice a week. It is even healthier if the fish we choose is oily fish such as salmon
6 .
Why is it important to eat carbohydrates?
They make us clever
They taste nice
They make us strong
They give us energy
Carbohydrates give us energy and they should make up a third of the food we eat. Carbohydrates come from foods such as bread, rice and pasta
7 .
Is it okay to eat foods that are high in sugar, like sweets?
No never. They are very bad for you
Yes every day because they taste nice
Yes if you eat an apple afterwards
Yes but only occasionally
It is okay to eat foods that are high in sugar as a treat occasionally, however the body does not need refined sugar and therefore it does not belong to one of the important food groups
8 .
Why is it important to include fat in our diet?
It helps us sleep
It makes our bones grow stronger
It helps the body absorb vitamins
It helps the brain function
Fat is important as it helps the body absorb vitamin A, D and E. However, we only need a small amount for this to work
9 .
Which foods belong to the protein food group?
Meat and fish
Apples and bananas
Cheese and yoghurts
Crisps and chocolates
Meat and fish are good sources of protein, with beans, peas and pulses being a good alternative
10 .
Why is protein important for our body?
It makes our bones strong
It makes us healthy
It gives us energy
It repairs our muscles
Proteins help the body to grow and repair muscle helping to make us stronger


Author:  Terri Brown

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