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Game Tactics 2
In tennis, when you hit the ball before it touches the ground, it is called a volley.

Game Tactics 2

Game tactics is all about using strategy. This is the second of our quizzes about tactics used when playing games. The team who uses the best tactics is usually the team that wins.

In sports with teams, the players have extra tactics than those sports where there is just one player, such as tennis. If you think when a team is given a a corner in football, it is sometimes called 'set play' because each player knows exactly what they are going to do as they've practised it in training sessions. A tennis player doesn't have the benefit of another player (unless they are playing doubles of course).

This quiz is about some of the tactics you use in striking and fielding games such as rounders and cricket, and net/wall games such as tennis, badminton and squash. See if you can remember what you have learned in PE lessons.

1 .
Which of these is not a position in cricket?
Wicket keeper
A bowler is also a type of hat!
2 .
When catching a ball, it is best to ....... ?
Close your eyes
Snatch it from the air
Catch with one hand
Make a wish
If you close your eyes, how will you know where the ball is?
3 .
When batting you should keep your eye on the ....... ?
You need to know where the ball is in order to hit it
4 .
Which of these is not a type of cricket bowler?
Off spinner
Leg spinner
Arm spinner
Fast bowler
These names are given depending on how the bowler bowls the ball
5 .
When fielding why should you change your position for different batters?
So you don’t get bored
It’s in the rules
So you can chat with some of the batters
Some batters hit further than others
Some batters are also left-handed
6 .
In tennis, when you hit the ball before it touches the ground, it is called a ....... ?
Who is your favourite tennis player?
7 .
In tennis to outwit your opponent you should vary the height, direction and ....... at which you hit the ball.
If an opponent is expecting a very fast ball, hitting it at a slower speed may mean they can't reach it
8 .
When hitting the ball you should transfer weight from ....... ?
Left to right
Back to front
Right to left
Front to back
This means the ball will go further
9 .
When playing tennis where should you direct the ball into your opponent’s court?
At your opponent
Into a space
At the spectators
Into the net
Remember the aim is to try to get your opponent to miss the ball
10 .
Where would you put the best catchers in a rounders team?
On the posts
In the changing rooms
Fielding as far away as possible
Fielding close to the posts
When the fielders are returning the ball to the posts, it helps if the person on the post can catch the ball quickly


Author:  Amanda Swift

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