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Abstract Art
The above painting is by Wassily Kandinsky.

Abstract Art

This quiz addresses the requirements of the National Curriculum KS3 in Art and Design for children aged 11 to 14 in years 7 to 9. Specifically this quiz is aimed at the section dealing with understanding art movements and their influence on the world, and it focusses in particular on the Abstract Art Movement.

KS3 children will learn how to critically appraise works of art, using the correct terminology and drawing on their own opinions. The judgements they make will help to inform their own work, as will what they learn about the styles and techniques used by the artists they study.

The Abstract Art Movement is one that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality in its work, but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect. This kind of art may be based on a particular study or subject, but it may not be obvious what this starting point was or what the work is intended to portray as the forms have been simplified or changed in some way in order to create an abstracted version of it. This type of art is not to everyone's taste, nevertheless it has had a great influence on the modern art world.

1 .
Which of the following would you not expect to find in abstract art?
Abstract art, by its very nature, has some degree of separation from realistic visual references
2 .
Which of the following movements did not contribute to early abstract art?
Pop Art
These three movements were the first to 'break away' from patronage from the church and rely instead on private patrons for funding
3 .
Which Eastern European religious philosophy had a profound impact on emerging abstract artists?
Mysticism is a belief that deep contemplation may result in a better union with a deity
4 .
Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat, Vincent van Gogh and Paul Cézanne had what in common?
They were neighbours
They were all taught at the same art school
They were all Post-Impressionists
They were all firmly opposed to abstract art
These four men had an enormous impact on 20th-century art that ultimately led to the advent of 20th-century abstraction
5 .
How did the the pre-Cubists, Georges Braque, André Derain, Raoul Dufy and Maurice de Vlaminck, revolutionise the Paris art world?
By refusing to paint using more than one colour
With "wild", multi-coloured, expressive landscapes and figure paintings
By producing up to 100 works each week
By painting the Eiffel Tower red
Art critics called this Fauvism, but the movement as such lasted only a few years and only had three exhibitions
6 .
Pablo Picasso made his first Cubist paintings based on whose idea that all depiction of nature can be reduced to three solid shapes?
Edvard Munch
Georges Seurat
Wassily Kandinsky
Paul Cézanne
Cézanne said these three shapes were the cube, sphere and cone
7 .
When Cubism emerged, it changed from one form to another. What were these forms called?
Decoded Cubism and Artificial Cubism
Thoughtful Cubism and Plastic Cubism
Decisive Cubism and Rounded Cubism
Analytic Cubism and Synthetic Cubism
Synthetic Cubism was distinctive due to the introduction of different textures, surfaces, collage elements, and a large variety of merged subject matter
8 .
The Bauhaus in Germany was a college created to bring unity to all art forms. What closed it?
The teaching staff
A student rebellion
The Nazi Party
The American President
The school was closed in 1933 after pressure from the Nazi government which claimed the Bauhaus was a centre of communist intellectualism
9 .
What other effect did the rise of the Nazi Party have on the main art movements at the time?
More abstract art came from America
Most abstract art was burnt or destroyed
Many artists joined the war effort
Most artists only painted tanks or aircraft
Many European artists fled to America and many art movements continued to develop and grow there
10 .
Which abstract artist was best known for his explosive, active painting and use of vibrant colour?
Claude Monet
Vincent Van Gogh
Jackson Pollock
Wassily Kandinsky
Franz Kline was also a renowned 'Action Painter'
Author:  Angela Smith

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