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Practice - Creative Writing - 08

Hello, KS3 students! Are you ready to embark on a creative writing journey? Sharpen your pencils and fuel your imagination, because you're about to unlock your storytelling potential. This quiz has been designed to stretch your knowledge, test your skills, and boost your creativity. Let's see how well you know the fascinating world of storytelling!
1 .
What does 'show, don't tell' mean in creative writing?
Use pictures instead of words
Reveal information through actions and dialogue, rather than description
Always show your work to others
Never outline your stories ahead of writing
'Show, don't tell' is a writing technique which suggests that the writer should use characters' actions and dialogue to convey their qualities and emotions instead of simply telling the reader.
2 .
Which poetic device is repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of words?
Alliteration is the use of the same consonant at the beginning of each stressed syllable in a line of verse.
3 .
What type of writing primarily focuses on providing clear, concise facts?
Descriptive writing
Expository writing
Narrative writing
Argumentative writing
Expository writing is primarily informational. It focuses on explaining, describing, or informing the reader about a particular topic or subject in a clear and concise manner.
4 .
What is a 'sonnet' in poetic terms?
A one-line poem
A form of poetry consisting of 14 lines
A poem without rhythm
A poem with no rules
A sonnet is a type of poem which traditionally consists of 14 lines. It's often used to express personal emotions and thoughts.
5 .
Which of the following is NOT an important element of a script?
Character dialogue
Stage directions
The length of the script
Setting description
The length of the script is not among the most important elements. Characters, dialogues, settings, and stage directions significantly contribute to the overall structure and quality of a script.
6 .
What is an 'antagonist' in a story?
The main character
The character who opposes the main character
The character who supports the main character
The character who narrates the story
The antagonist is a character who opposes the protagonist (main character) and often creates or propels the conflict in a story.
7 .
What does a metaphor do in a story or poem?
Compare two unlike things with similar aspects
Create images that appeal to our senses
Express emotion or mood
All of the above
A metaphor can do all of these things: it compares two unrelated things but with common characteristics, creates vivid images, and can express mood or emotion.
8 .
Which of these elements is not usually included in a short story?
A detailed sub-plot
A detailed sub-plot is not typical for short stories due to the limited length. Short stories usually focus on a single plot and fewer characters.
9 .
What does 'plot' refer to in a story?
The location where the story takes place
The arrangement of words in a sentence
The sequence of events that make up the story
The main character of the story
A plot refers to the sequence of events that make up a story. It is the main part of a story consisting of an introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion.
10 .
Which narrative point of view is usually the most intimate and allows the reader to experience the story from inside a character’s mind?
First person
Second person
Third person limited
Third person omniscient
First person point of view allows the reader to see the story narrated by a character directly, using 'I', which feels more intimate.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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