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Practice - Non-Fiction - 02

Hello, inquisitive minds! Welcome to this fun and challenging English quiz. Today, you'll be stepping into the shoes of literary critics as we delve into the realm of non-fiction texts; think newspaper articles, essays, biographies, and autobiographies. Ready to put your critical thinking skills to the test? On your marks, get set, begin!
1 .
Which of the following is typically NOT found in a biography?
The person’s dates of birth and death
Detailed description of the person's favourite food
Timeline of the person's life
The person's accomplishments
Biographies generally focus on the life events, achievements, and notable incidents of a person's life, not personal preferences like favourite food.
2 .
Which of the following terms refers to the writer’s attitude toward their subject or audience?
The term 'tone' refers to the writer's attitude or feelings toward their subject or audience. The tone can be serious, humorous, sarcastic etc.
3 .
In a news report, what does 'impartiality' refer to?
Being opinionated
Being biased
Being neutral and unbiased
Being argumentative
In a news report, 'impartiality' refers to presenting the news from a neutral perspective, without personal bias.
4 .
In non-fiction texts, what does 'factual information' refer to?
Biased opinions
Dramatised events
Fictional characters
Verifiable truths
'Factual information' refers to verifiable truths or data that can be proven to be accurate.
5 .
What is the meaning of the term 'bias' in non-fiction writing?
Use of fancy language
Favouring one side over another
Presenting neutral views
Use of puns
In non-fiction writing, 'bias' refers to the unfair favouring of one side, viewpoint, or perspective over others.
6 .
What is the primary purpose of an autobiographical text?
To give a historical account
To tell the life story of the author
To narrate fictional events
To present scientific facts
An autobiography's primary purpose is to tell the life story of the author, from his/her own perspective.
7 .
What does an 'objective' perspective mean in non-fiction writing?
Favouring one side
Writing with personal feelings
Writing without favouritism or bias
Writing with high-level vocabulary
An 'objective' perspective means presenting information without favouritism or bias, based only on facts.
8 .
What is the main difference between a biography and an autobiography?
A biography is about someone famous, an autobiography is not
A biography is written by the person about whom it is, an autobiography is not
A biography is written by someone other than the person it is about, an autobiography is written by the person it is about
There is no difference
The key difference is the author. A biography is written by someone other than the person it is about, while an autobiography is written by the person it is about.
9 .
What is the primary purpose of an essay?
To persuade or inform
To describe a place
To write a story
To make people laugh
An essay's primary purpose is usually to persuade the reader about a certain viewpoint or to inform the reader about a certain topic.
10 .
What is the primary purpose of a newspaper article?
To entertain
To express personal feelings
To report news
To promote products
Newspaper articles are written to report news. While they may sometimes entertain or involve product promotion, their main purpose is to deliver news to the public.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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