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Practice - Reading - 08

Hello terrific KS3 students! Time to put your English Reading skills to test as we delve into various realms of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama texts. This fun quiz will help us understand how well you can interpret these texts and understand their themes, contexts, and literary techniques. So, gear up for a magical adventure with words and let’s see how many you can crack!
1 .
What is the main difference between fiction and non-fiction?
Fiction is true, non-fiction is not.
Non-fiction is about animals, fiction is not.
Fiction is imagined, while non-fiction is based on truth.
Fiction is for children, non-fiction is for adults.
Fiction is a form of literature that is based on imagination, whereas non-fiction is based on facts and real-life events.
2 .
Which literary device is used in 'The sound of silence was deafening'?
An 'oxymoron' is a figure of speech in which contradictory terms appear in conjunction. Here, 'sound' is contradictory to 'silence'.
3 .
In literature, which term describes alliteration?
The message behind a story
Hints or clues about what will happen later
Describing a scene in great detail
The repetition of the initial sound in words
An example of alliteration is 'The dark day dawned'.
4 .
What is ironic about the saying ‘The fire station burnt down’?
Fire stations should be fireproof
It’s a metaphor
Fire stations can't burn down
It’s a humorous statement
The situation is ironic because one would expect a fire station, of all places, to be equipped to prevent itself from burning down.
5 .
What is a 'soliloquy' in a play?
A scene with two characters discussing
A character talking to themselves, sharing thoughts aloud
A character singing on stage
Action that happens off-stage
A 'soliloquy' is a device often used in drama when a character speaks alone on stage to allow their thoughts and ideas to be conveyed to the audience.
6 .
Which one of these titles is NOT an example of alliteration?
Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Pride and Prejudice
Gone Girl
Sense and Sensibility
Alliteration is a stylistic device where a number of words with the same first consonant sound are placed close together.
7 .
What does the term 'third-person' perspective mean in literature?
The story is told by one of the characters.
The story is told from the perspective of all characters.
The story is told by a narrator outside of the story.
The story is told from the perspective of the antagonist.
In 'third-person' perspective, the narrator is not a character in the story, but an outside observer who can tell you what multiple characters are thinking and feeling.
8 .
In literature, what do we call the main character?
A 'protagonist' is the main character of a story around whose life events of the story revolve.
9 .
What is meant by the term 'blank verse' in poetry?
A poem that doesn't rhyme
A poem with a hidden meaning
A poem without a specific metre
A poem that doesn't convey emotions
'Blank verse' is poetry that doesn't have a rhyme scheme but does have a specific metre.
10 .
Which one of these is a 'metaphor'?
She is as cunning as a fox.
You sing like a lark.
Life is a journey.
He roars like a lion.
A 'metaphor' is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. 'Life is a journey' is an example. The other eaxmples are similes because they use 'like' or 'as'.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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