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Practice - Writing - 01

Hello, creative minds! Ready to test your knowledge on writing creatively in English? This quiz will challenge your understanding of creative writing techniques, helping you discover what you've mastered and areas you might need to review. So, grab your thinking cap and let's dive into our literate universe!
1 .
What does it mean to 'show, not tell' in creative writing?
Use descriptive sentences instead of dialogue
Illustrate an emotion or situation through the actions, words and thoughts of a character
Include lots of adverbs
Avoid writing dialogue
'Show, not tell' is a popular piece of advice in creative writing. It means that a writer should not just tell the reader what characters feel or think, but show them by describing a particular situation or emotion via actions, words, and expressions of characters.
2 .
Which of these is NOT usually part of a plot structure in story writing?
The resolution
The climax
The author's biography
The rising action
The author's biography is not part of a plot structure in story writing. A plot structure usually includes the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
3 .
In creative writing, what is 'dialogue'?
A type of character
A type of setting
A conversation between characters
A type of plot structure
'Dialogue' in creative writing refers to a conversation between characters. It is used to reveal character traits, advance the plot, and create tension.
4 .
Why is it important to use sensory details in creative writing?
To increase the word count
To make the writing more confusing
To help the reader visualise and engage with the story
There is no particular reason
Sensory details are important because they engage a reader's senses (sight, touch, taste, sound, and smell) helping them to visualise the setting, characters, or situations in the story, making it much more immersive and relatable.
5 .
The 'setting' of a story refers to what?
The main characters
The climax of the story
The time and location in which a story takes place
The author's hidden message
The 'setting' of a story refers to the time and location in which the story takes place. It sets the stage on which the characters act and the story unfolds.
6 .
What does the term 'character development' mean in story writing?
Adding more characters to the storyline
Developing a character's journey or arc in a story
Describing characters' physical appearances
None of the above
Character development refers to the process of creating a character and the methods used to reveal that character's personality, motivations, and struggles throughout the narrative.
7 .
Which of the following is NOT a narrative perspective?
First person
Second person
Third person
Fourth person
There are no 'fourth person' narrative perspectives in English creative writing. The main narrative perspectives are first person (I run), second person (you run), and third person (she runs).
8 .
Which of the following techniques is often used in poetry?
Rhyme is a commonly used technique in poetry which heightens the poetics and rhythm of a poem.
9 .
What does 'tone' refer to in writing?
The speed at which the story takes place
The way the characters dress
The writer's attitude towards the subject or audience
The physical setting of the story
'Tone' in writing refers to the writer's attitude towards the subject or the audience. It is often conveyed through word choice, point of view, syntax and level of formality in the writing.
10 .
What does the writing term 'metaphor' mean?
A word that sounds similar to another word
A direct comparison of two different things
A comparison using 'like' or 'as'
A story with a hidden moral
A 'metaphor' is a figure of speech that makes a direct comparison between two things that are fundamentally different but have something in common. Unlike similes, metaphors do not use the words 'like' or 'as'.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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