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Practice - Writing - 03

Hello, KS3 students! Are you ready to take an exciting and enlightening English quiz? This one is all about writing informatively - an essential skill for expressing ideas clearly and concisely. Don't worry - we've made it fun and engaging. Just remember to read each question carefully, take your time, and most importantly - enjoy yourself! Let's sharpen those writing skills!
1 .
In informative writing, how often should you use jargon?
When trying to impress the reader
Only when necessary and with explanation
Jargon (special words or expressions used by a specific profession) should only be used when necessary and, crucially, explained clearly.
2 .
Which of these elements should be avoided in informative writing?
Personal opinions
Supporting details
Clear language
Credible sources
Informative writing should be objective and not contain personal opinions. Instead, it should be based on facts and evidence.
3 .
Which of the following concludes an informative article effectively?
In conclusion, you should agree with my points.
The end.
In conclusion, this paper has discussed the components of recycling.
That's all folks!
An effective conclusion in informative writing should summarise the main points discussed without forcing the reader to agree with your view.
4 .
Which of the following should be the first step in the informative writing process?
Writing a draft
Choosing a topic
Finalising text
Choosing a suitable and interesting topic should be the first step in the writing process. The next steps would be gathering information, writing a draft, revising, and finally editing.
5 .
What is the main purpose of informative writing?
To argue a point
To entertain
To persuade
To educate
The main purpose of informative writing is to provide valuable information to the readers to educate them.
6 .
How can 'sensory details' help in informative writing?
They make the writing more entertaining
They make the writing more subjective
They help the reader to connect and understand better
They are compulsory in informative writing
'Sensory details' (descriptions that appeal to our senses) help the reader to visualise and understand information better, enhancing their engagement with the text.
7 .
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of informative writing?
Being factual
Staying objective
Being persuasive
Being understandable
Informative writing is primarily factual and aims to educate the reader. It's not focused on persuading, which is a key element of persuasive writing.
8 .
Which of these is good advice for writing informatively?
Waffle and pad out your work to make it longer
Avoid using specific examples to explain your points
Copy large chunks of text from other sources
Use concrete, specific information and examples
Good informative writing needs to be specific and concrete, providing clear examples to help explain your points. Copying, waffling, and avoiding examples make for poor-quality informative writing.
9 .
Which of these is an example of a strong opening sentence for an informative essay on recycling?
Recycling is good.
I like recycling.
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new objects.
We all should recycle.
Option C provides a clear, concise definition with factual information that introduces the topic of recycling well.
10 .
In the context of informative writing, what is 'clarity'?
Using complex language to sound confident
Making your writing understandable and easily readable
Using huge blocks of text to provide information
Adding an element of mystery to your writing
Clarity in writing means making your text easy to understand and follow. This includes using plain language, good grammar, and logically organised content.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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