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Practice - Writing - 08

Hallo, KS3 students! Welcome to the fascinating world of English punctuation. This playful game will test your knowledge of commas, full stops, apostrophes, and much more. Remember, punctuation can make the difference between knowing your stuff and knowing you’re stuffed! Now, let's kick-start this punctuation party.
1 .
Which sentence correctly uses the exclamation mark?
Stop right now!
Stop right, now!
Stop right now?
Stop! right now.
Option A is correct because the exclamation mark comes at the end of the command, adding emphasis.
2 .
Which sentence uses the apostrophe correctly?
Janet's room was messy.
Janets' room was messy.
Janets room was messy.
Janets room wa's messy.
Option A is the correct choice. The apostrophe shows that the room belongs to Janet.
3 .
Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
After school I like to play football, run, and swim.
After school I like to play, football, run and swim.
After school, I like to play football run and swim.
After, school I like to play football run and swim.
Option A is correct. It uses a comma after the introductory phrase and also applies the Oxford comma rule correctly to list three activities. 'After school I like to play football, run and swim' is also correct but does not use the Oxford comma.
4 .
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
James said that he wanted a new bike for Christmas.
James said, that he wanted a new bike for Christmas.
James said that, 'he wanted a new bike for Christmas.'
James said, 'that he wanted a new bike for Christmas.'
Option A is correct because it properly ends the sentence with a full stop, and does not misuse any commas or quotation marks. Quotation marks are for direct quotations, such as 'James said, "I want a new bike for Christmas".'
5 .
Which sentence is correct?
The boys are going to play football at the park.
The boys, are going to play football at the park.
The boys are going to play, football at the park.
The boys are going, to play football at the park.
Option A is correct because it does not unnecessarily use commas.
6 .
Which sentence is correct?
What time is it.
What time, is it?
What time is it?
What, time is it.
Option C is correct because the question mark comes at the end of the question without any unnecessary punctuation.
7 .
Which sentence correctly uses the semi-colon?
I have a big test tomorrow I can't; go to the party tonight.
I have a big test tomorrow; I can't go to the party tonight.
I have a big test; tomorrow I can't go to the party tonight.
I have a big test tomorrow I can't go to the party tonight;
Option B is correct because a semi-colon is used to connect two closely related independent clauses.
8 .
Which of these sentences is punctuated correctly?
Sarah's dog's tail, was wagging.
Sarahs dog's tail, was wagging.
Sarah's dogs tail was wagging.
Sarah's dog's tail was wagging.
Option D is correct because it uses an apostrophe to show possession ('Sarah's' and 'dog's') and does not misuse a comma.
9 .
Which sentence correctly uses the apostrophe?
Its raining outside.
It's raining outside.
Its' raining outside.
It's' raining outside.
Option B is correct because 'it's' is short for 'it is'. The apostrophe shows that a letter has been removed.
10 .
Which sentence uses the comma correctly?
She left the room crying, and slamming the door.
She, left the room crying and slamming the door.
She left the room, crying and slamming the door.
She left the room crying and slamming, the door.
Option C is correct because it uses a comma to separate an independent clause from a dependent clause.
Author:  Graeme Haw

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