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Christianity - Seasons and Festivals
The Last Supper is remembered on Maundy Thursday.

Christianity - Seasons and Festivals

This KS3 RE quiz takes a look at Christianity, specifically the seasons and festivals. Like many other religions, Christianity observes both holy days, also known as feasts or festivals, and fasts. Observations which continue over a period of days are known as "seasons". So, similarly to the way the year is divided into the natural seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the Christian year is divided into special times and seasons. Two of the most well-known seasons are Advent and Lent, both of which are times of prayer and fasting for Christians. Advent takes place for four weeks before Christmas and Lent takes place for forty days before Easter. Easter and Christmas are both feasts - or festivals - and seasons which last more than one day, with the Christmas season being twelve days, ending with Epiphany, and Easter fifty, ending with Pentecost. Many Christians observe saints' days throughout the year, as well as celebrating the events of Jesus's life, such as his baptism.

1 .
Jesus's resurrection is celebrated on .......
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Easter Sunday
Shrove Tuesday
The word "Paschal" is the adjective related to Easter
2 .
Jesus's return to heaven is celebrated on .......
Ascension Day
Christmas Day
Easter Monday
Good Friday
"Ascend" means "to go up"
3 .
Jesus's time in the wilderness is remembered in .......
Holy Week
Shrove Tuesday pancakes are eaten on the last day before the Lenten fast
4 .
The Last Supper is remembered on .......
Ash Wednesday
Good Friday
Maundy Thursday
Shrove Tuesday
Maundy Thursday is the day before Good Friday
5 .
Christians remember Jesus's entry into Jerusalem on .......
Ascension Day
Ash Wednesday
Palm Sunday
Shrove Tuesday
The crowds made a royal carpet of palm branches
6 .
Jesus's death is remembered on .......
Ascension Day
Easter Monday
Good Friday
Palm Sunday
Good Friday is the name of the day chosen to remember Jesus's crucifixion
7 .
The visit of the Wise Men (Magi) is also known as .......
Epiphany is celebrated on January 6th
8 .
This day marks the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus's Apostles and followers .......
Pentecost occurs 50 days after Easter
9 .
Christians prepare for the coming of Christ during .......
"Advent" is a Latin word and means "He is coming"
10 .
Christians celebrate the birth of Christ on .......
Ascension Day
Christmas Day
Good Friday
Maundy Thursday
Many Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Christianity

Author:  Sheri Smith

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