This KS3 RE quiz takes a look at Islam. Islam is the second most prevalent religion in the world, with over 1.6 billion followers. The 2011 Census for England and Wales recorded 2.7 million Muslims, around 5% of the population, while the Scottish Census of the same year reported that 1.4% of its population identified as Muslim.
Muslims believe that the faith was fully revealed by God to the Prophet Mohammad, who lived in Mecca during the sixth and seventh centuries CE. Muslim practice includes regular attendance at a mosque, as well as observation of the five pillars of the faith: Shahada, the profession of faith, Salat, daily prayer. Zakat, alms-giving, Saum, fasting, and Hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca. Islam is a monotheistic religion, believing in only one God. Its scriptures are contained in the Qur'an. Other texts sacred to Islam are the Sunnah, or examples from the Prophet Mohammad's life, and the Hadith, or reports of his words and actions.