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Digestion 02
Foods high in carbohydrate include sweets.

Digestion 02

Revise what you know about the your intestines. Do you know what your pancreas does?

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This KS3 Science quiz takes another look at digestion. The human body is made up from organs and tissues that are arranged into systems. The digestive system is designed to process our food in order to obtain the nutrients that our body requires. When you eat something, the food passes through the following organs of the digestive system - oesophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine. In humans, the large intestine is roughly 1.5 metres long, whereas the small intestine can be up to 7 metres long. Confused? The 'large' and 'small' pertain to the diameter rather than the length!

There are several other organs that are part of the digestive system - notably the liver and pancreas. The liver has many jobs to do for your body, including the removal of toxins from the blood, storage of substances like vitamin B12 and glycogen and the production of bile.

Bile goes into the small intestine to emulsify the fats, making it easier for the enzymes to digest them. The pancreas produces many of the enzymes that carry out the process of digestion in the small intestine. On the inside of the small intestine, there are millions of villi. These are small projections on the surface through which the digested nutrients are absorbed.

Which of the following is a job carried out by the liver?
Absorbs water from the gut
Makes bile
Makes amylase
Stores fats and glycerol
It has been estimated that the liver has about 500 different jobs to do in your body
Fats are stored .......
in the large intestine
in the pancreas
in the stomach
under the skin
The body has special cells to store fat
What does the large intestine do?
Absorbs digested food into the blood
Absorbs water from the gut
Makes bile to break down fats
Makes enzymes
This changes the undigested part of your food from a sloppy liquid into a soft solid
Glucose is stored in the .......
small intestine
It is released when needed
The small intestine in an adult is .......
1-2 metres long
6-7 metres long
10-11 metres long
over 20 metres long
It needs to be as long as that to give the enzymes time to break down the food as it slowly passes through the body
The small molecules are absorbed into the blood in the .......
large intestine
small intestine
They are small enough to pass through the wall of the small intestine
Iodine solution is a yellow-brown colour and is used to test for starch. If starch is present what colour does the iodine turn?
You may have carried out an experiment using iodine, starch and amylase to investigate digestion
The removal of undigested food is called .......
The opposite is ingestion which is the scientific word used for taking something into the digestive system
Which of the following is a function of the pancreas?
Absorbs digested food into the blood
Absorbs water from the gut
Makes bile to break down fats
Makes enzymes
Its other main function is to produce the hormones that regulate the level of sugar in your blood
The small intestine has special structures, called villi, which help absorption of digested food. Which of the following is NOT a feature?
Good blood supply
Impermeable walls
Large surface area
Thin layer of cells
The walls are permeable to allow absorption to occur
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Nutrition, digestion and excretion

Author:  Sue Davison

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