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One Holy Happy Family 1
Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford

One Holy Happy Family 1

One Holy Happy Family focuses on varying beliefs.

Christians, of course, share important central beliefs with one another; but, as has been suggested since the earliest days of the Church, the various members and branches of its 'family' display quite a variation in detail as to how they express and conduct their faith. How broad is your familiarity with this 'family'?

1 .
'We do not have clergy, fixed forms of service, nor church buildings as such; our worship, known as 'meeting', may on occasion consist of total silence throughout. Our members are pacifists who would never bear arms, even for national defence in time of war. Who are we?'
Quakers ('The Religious Society of Friends')
There are no 'dog-collared' clergy in the Quaker movement.
2 .
Religious icons are, themselves, particularly emblematic of which branch of the Church?
Roman Catholic
Culturally they are most strongly associated with the Orthodox tradition: you can perhaps smell, in your 'mind's nostril', the incense, and hear the deep-voiced devotional chanting, and perhaps have a sense of the Cyrillic lettering around the images.
3 .
'I should never attend Mass unless I have first been to Confession. My faith requires me to believe, among much else, that contraception and abortion are sins against our loving Creator God. To what One True Church do I belong?'
Roman Catholic
These are all distinctive Catholic beliefs and practices; most of the other denominations mentioned, while respecting Catholics' right to express and practise their faith according to their personal convictions, would not share or endorse any or many of them.
4 .
Which of the following is UNTRUE about the Christian history of the city of Oxford?
There is a Martyrs' Memorial in one street, and also a more recent combined memorial to martyrs on both sides of the Reformation (inside the University Church, close to the room where Oxfam was founded)
Oxford was the focus of the 'Oxford Movement' in the 19th Century, led by such high-churchmen as John Newman and Edward Pusey
Oxford has, down the centuries, hosted such other movements, organisations and individuals as the Cowley Fathers and the author Clive Staples Lewis (famous for his 'Narnia' books)
John Wesley, co-founder (with his brother Charles) of Methodism, had his personal conversion experience (' ... my heart strangely warmed ... ') at Oxford
Wesley had many connections with Oxford, but this experience took place in London.
5 .
Where did Brother Roger found an international ecumenical community, in 1940 (early on during the Second World War), which continues to thrive and has a particularly strong youth ministry?
Taize, in Burgundy (France)
The other places suggested are all more ancient pilgrimage centres.
6 .
'We are a uniformed organisation with a robust, sympathetic but no-nonsense tradition of ministry among the weak and marginalised in society. Among much else, we are all too aware of the trouble that arises from people surrendering their lives to alcohol; our members all take a pledge never to drink any themselves. Aside from that, the first awareness that many people outside our ranks may have of us might typically be when our Citadel Band plays carols for those out shopping in the town towards each Christmas. Who are we?'
The Church Army
The Salvation Army
The Jesus Army
The God Squad
The Church Army (Answer 1) is an Anglican organisation that works along somewhat comparable lines; the Jesus Army is a more evangelical enterprise again. Answer 4 echoes a rather disparaging phrase that some people use to distance themselves from more actively 'keen' evangelical individuals and organisations (such as a school or college Christian Union / Bible Study group).
7 .
'Besides personally believing all the main tenets of Christianity, I have come to declare my individual faith by undergoing total immersion in water, rather than 'just' the sign of a damp cross on my forehead. Meanwhile I abhor all alcohol as a work of the Devil. What type of Christian am I?'
United Reformed
The 'total immersion baptism' is a fairly obvious and fully characteristic giveaway in this question!
8 .
This city in the British West Midlands has a modern (1960s) cathedral next to, and functionally replacing, the ruins of an old 14th-century one which was largely bombed out by the Luftwaffe in 1940. The bombers had officially been targeting the local motor factories which, themselves, were largely given over in wartime to the manufacture and repair of tanks, aeroplanes and other motorised combat machinery. After the raid, three nails were found fused by heat into the shape of a cross, since adopted as an emblem of suffering and forgiveness. The new cathedral, part of whose commissioning and consecration involved hosting the first performance of Benjamin Britten's War Requiem, has also since taken on a special and valued ministry to those bereaved through car and other transport accidents. Which is the city?
Coventry's may be one of England's most recent cathedrals, but it already has a rich and vibrant history, both in its structure, architecture and decoration, and also through its ministry.
9 .
Within the 'broad church' that is the Anglican Communion (i.e. the Church of England, and others close to it), 'High church' denotes the Anglo-Catholic sector while 'Low church' refers to evangelicals.
Neither of these category labels is remotely correct
The labels are valid, but the wrong way round
Only one of them is broadly valid
Both are correct and widely recognised
In general terms, at least, these traditional categories are indeed widely used and recognised as such.
10 .
'Our name derives from that blessed day when the Spirit first came to ignite the Church. Many of our members, though by no means all, are of black African ethnicity, and our worship is characterised by its freedom in the Spirit, its fervency, its lively Gospel-style singing and gestures, and the ready rhetorical interplay between pastors and their people ('Halleluia, Lord Jesus'!). We proudly call ourselves ... '
The Church Army
The name derives from Pentecost (the old Jewish calendar name already given to that Sunday, since known more conventionally among Christians as 'Whitsun', when according to the story at the start of the Acts of the Apostles, God's Spirit came ~ somewhat as Jesus had foretold ~ in the form of wind and fire, to embolden the disciples to go forth and preach and heal in His' name). Spiritualism, meanwhile, refers to a rather different dimension of belief, as you may discover if you care to look that up separately.


Author:  Ian Miles

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