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Hajj (Pilgrimage)
Test your knowledge of Islam in this informative quiz.

Hajj (Pilgrimage)

The Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah) is the fifth pillar of Islam.

The rites of pilgrimage are performed today exactly as did by Prophet Abraham (PBUH) and after him by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is mentioned in the Quran “And Hajj to the House (Kaaba) is a duty that mankind owes to God, those who can afford the expenses (for one’s conveyance, provision and residence); and whoever disbelieves then God stands not in need of any of mankind, jinn and all that exists” (Quran 3:97)

Muslims are united in their devotion to Allah. The black man stands next to the white man and they call on Allah with one voice. The king stands beside a peasant and they declare their submission to the will of Allah using the same words.

1 .
During which month is the Hajj performed?
The pilgrimage takes place each year between the 8th and the 12th days of Dhul-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar
2 .
Which Islamic principle does the Hajj demonstrate?
Importance of children
Equality and universal brotherhood
Importance of charity
The Muslims gather to meet one another and demonstrate to each other, and the world, that they are united. Unity in diversity and universal brotherhood. They are united by their worship of One Allah.

“O humankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa (piety, God consciousness). Verily, God is All-Knowing, All-Aware.” (Quran 49:13)

Islam is the religion of unity and peace. Repeatedly throughout the Quran Allah reminds the believers that they must remain united and seek strength through unity. Hajj epitomises this unity. People from every race and colour come together in submission to the will of Allah. Muslims are one brotherhood and they come together with a sense of purpose and a desire for peace.

“The believers are nothing else but brothers (in Islam). So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy.” (Quran 39:10)
3 .
How many times do Muslims have to perform Hajj in their lifetime?
Every year
Once in five years
Once in a decade
Once in their lifetime, if they are physically and financially able
Pilgrimage is viewed as a particularly meritorious activity. Pilgrimage serves as a penance - the ultimate forgiveness for sins, devotion, and intense spirituality. The pilgrimage to Makkah, the most sacred city in Islam, is required of all physically and financially able Muslims once in their life
4 .
What is considered to be the most important part of the Hajj?
When pilgrims circumambulate the Kaabah
When pilgrims stone the Pillars representing the devil
The day the pilgrims spend praying on the Plains of Arafah
Days spent in Mina and Muzdalifah
The Prophet of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said “Verily, Allah has manifested Himself to the people of the Standing (meaning ‘Arafah) and He forgave the people of ‘Arafah and He forgave the people of Al-Mash‘ar Al-Haram (the Sacred Monument) and Allah bore on behalf of all the consequences of what they committed against the servants.” Therefore, it is said that Al-Hajj Al-Mabrur [Hajj performed in accordance with the Prophet’s tradition and is accepted by Allah] erases whatever precedes it, causing the forgiveness of all the sins that were committed before the Hajj.

The Prophet of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to invoke Allah, the Exalted saying ““O Allah! Forgive my sins; those sinned against you forgive them for me, and those sinned against others than You, bear them on my behalf.”
5 .
What do Muslims recite during and throughout the Hajj?
Declaration of Hajj
There is no specific recitation
Muslims from every corner of the globe are united in their submission to the will of Allah. They cry out as if with one voice, “Here I am O Allah, here I am at your service, and You have no partner. Here I am. All praise, grace, and dominion belong to You. You have no partner”. This supplication, called the Talbiyah is said repeatedly by the pilgrims. It is their answer to Allah’s call to perform Hajj
6 .
How many times do the Muslims circumambulate the Kaabah?
One Time
Three Times
Five Times
Seven Times
Muslims circumambulate the Kaabah Seven Times, this is called Tawaf
7 .
What is the state of purity in which all pilgrims enter Makkah for Hajj called?
At certain stations on the caravan routes to Mecca, or when the pilgrim passes the point nearest to those stations (Meeqat), the pilgrim enters the state of purity known as “ihram”. In this state, the certain ‘normal’ actions of the day and night become impermissible for the pilgrims, such as covering the head, clipping the fingernails, and wearing normal clothing in regards to men. Males remove their clothing and don the garments specific to this state of ihram, two white seamless sheets that are wrapped around the body
8 .
What does the running or swift walking of pilgrims seven times between the hills of Safaa and Marwah represent?
The number of times the Prophet Muhammad performed the Hajj in his lifetime
The number of times the Prophet Abraham (PBUH) tried to build the Kaabah before he succeeded
The number of times Hagar ran back and forth between the hills searching for water for her son, Prophet Ishmael (PBUH)
The number of miles the Prophet Muhammad travelled from Medina to Mecca to perform the Hajj
Prophet Abraham (PBUH) left his wife Hajar and his infant son Prophet Ishmael (PBUH) to direct our attention to a principle governing this universe. When Prophet Abraham (PBUH) hurried back Hajar (may Allah be pleased with her) laid hold of the reins of his riding animal and said, ‘To whom are you leaving us?’ but Prophet Abraham (PBUH) did not answer back. Then Hajar said, ‘Allah ordered you so?’ and he beckoned to her affirmatively, so she said, ‘Then He will never leave us be lost.’

The running between the hills of Safaa and Marwah, represents the effort Hajar took to find water for the thirsty infant, running between the hills.

That is the first principle of faith: if Allah settled you in a place, He will never let you be lost, however powerless are all causes and means to offer you anything.

Allah, the Exalted mentions in the Quran “Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generations after generations.” (Quran, 27: 62)

9 .
What is the name of the place where the pilgrims pelt stones on pillars representing the devil?
None of the above
Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, wants to instruct us by the story of Prophets Abraham (PBUH) and Ishmael (PBUH) and with the devil to guard our penitence. We have to stone the devil within ourselves in a nonphysical sense, barring all his gateways to us. Whenever the devil attempts to approach us with his evil whispers we should not listen to him, but to stone him by our defiance to yield to his satanic temptations until he recedes and leaves us dispossessed of all power over us
10 .
What is Hajj?
Pilgrimage to Shrines
Pilgrimage to Monasteries
Pilgrimage to Makkah (Saudi Arabia)
Family Get-together
The Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah) is the fifth of the fundamental Muslim practices and institutions known as the five pillars of Islam. Pilgrimage is made to the Kaaba, found in the sacred city of Makkah in Saudi Arabia, the ‘House of God,’ whose sanctity rests in that the Prophet Abraham (PBUH) built it for the worship of Allah.

It is mentioned in the Quran “And Hajj (pilgrimage to Makah) to the House (Kaaba) is a duty that mankind owes to Allah, those who can afford the expenses (for one’s conveyance, provision and residence) ; and whoever disbelieves then Allah stands not in need of any of mankind, jinn and all that exists” (Quran 3:97)


Author:  Mohammed Azmath

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