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Richard in Art
Richard III appears in the 1714 play by Nicholas Rowe, The Tragedy of Jane Shore.

Richard in Art

This Richard in Art quiz is all about culture.

Richard III has come down through history as such an important character mostly because of his effect he has had on our culture. He is notoriously depicted as a villainous king in the Shakespeare play which shares his name. But there are other portrayals to be found of Richard than the one written by Shakespeare. This quiz is about some of the other appearances Richard makes in the arts.

1 .
In 1980 a statue of King Richard III by James Walter Butler was unveiled by Princess Alice, the Duchess of Gloucester. In which city does it stand?
The statue was commissioned by the Richard III Society and placed close to where Richard's body was later discovered
2 .
In Andre Norton's 20th century novel The Crossroads of Time history is changed. Richard III wins the Battle of Bosworth and Columbus is not the one to discover America. In this alternate reality who does discover America and give their name to it?
John Cabot
Luís Pires
Henry the Navigator
Paulo da Gama
In the novel the Spanish do not send Columbus on his expedition because they are at war with Grenada. Instead the English expedition of 1497 led by John Cabot is the first to land in the Americas and consequently they are named "Cabot land"
3 .
Richard III appears in the 1714 play by Nicholas Rowe, The Tragedy of Jane Shore. Who was Jane Shore?
A lover of Edward IV
The daughter of Edward IV
A lover of Richard III
The daughter of Richard III
She was imprisoned by Richard for taking part in a conspiracy against him, but he released her shortly afterwards so that she could marry
4 .
The most famous painting of Richard, in which he fingers a ring on his little finger, was not painted during Richard's life. When was it painted?
About 50 years after Richard's death
About 100 years after Richard's death
About 150 years after Richard's death
About 200 years after Richard's death
The painting, which belongs to the National Gallery, is a late 16th century copy of an early 16th century picture. There are no surviving portraits of Richard made during his life
5 .
Shakespeare portrayed Richard as being disfigured. Which of these deformities did Shakespeare not give to Richard?
A hunched back
A withered arm
Legs of unequal length
A club foot
Shakespeare has Richard say:
Why, love forswore me in my mother's womb: And, for I should not deal in her soft laws, She did corrupt frail nature with some bribe, To shrink mine arm up like a wither'd shrub; To make an envious mountain on my back, Where sits deformity to mock my body; To shape my legs of an unequal size
In actual fact Richard had only one deformity: a curved spine which would have made his shoulders slightly crooked
6 .
An anonymous play, written around 1590, is thought to have influenced Shakespeare's Richard III. What was this play called?
The True Tragedy of Richard III
The Harsh History of Richard III
The Real Reign of Richard III
The Dramatic Death of Richard III
Although the play is anonymous there has been speculation about the probable author with Christopher Marlowe as one of the candidates
7 .
Richard Plantagenet: a legendary tale, is a poem written by Thomas Hull in 1774. The character of Richard III appears in the poem but who is the Richard in the title?
Richard's murdered nephew
Richard's deceased father
Richard's illegitimate son
Richard's imprisoned cousin
The poem tells how the boy grew up not knowing who his father was. He meets the king before the Battle of Bosworth, but following his father's defeat, he lives the rest of his life as a commoner
8 .
A popular BBC children's show attempted to educate youngsters about Richard III in the form of a song. What was the name of the TV series?
Bits and Bobs
Blue Peter
Horrible Histories
Swap Shop
The show had Richard III singing, "Never had a hump and my arm was alright, never took the crown with illegal power. Never killed my nephews, the princes in the tower ... time to tell the truth about King Richard the third"
9 .
The novel published in 1888, The Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses, features Richard as a minor character. Who was the author?
Henry Rider Haggard
Robert Louis Stevenson
George Bernard Shaw
Arthur Conan Doyle
The story is set in the time before Richard became king and was still the Duke of Gloucester. In it he is referred to as "Richard Crookback"
10 .
In 1580 a play was written about Richard III by Thomas Legge, though it was not written in English. Which language was it in?
The play, Richardus Tertius was performed at Cambridge University that year and is thought to be the first history play written in England


Author:  Graeme Haw

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