In this spelling quiz, you are going to get some practice in spelling words that use '-igh-' for the long 'i' sound, e.g. 'light', 'bright' and 'flight'. These words are used quite frequently in English, so make sure that you know how to spell them.
Lots of words that have 'igh' in them end with the letter 't'. And many, many words have the 'ight' sound - but not all are spelt like that. Is it 'quite right' or 'quight rite'? You should know the first version is correct, although you may be surprised that rite is an actual word. It means a ceremony, custom or act. Good spelling is a real bonus in the working world, so keep on playing these 11-plus quizzes (and our others on the website) until you are a spelling wizard!
Did you know that, as well as the quizzes, we have a spelling game? We think you’ll like it - and you’ll be learning at the same time. Test it out and see if you can get your name at the top of the leaderboard. Just click this link – Spelling Game