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Related Numbers 2
A diamond wedding anniversary celebrates how many years of marriage?

Related Numbers 2

Related Numbers tests you on subtraction, addition, multiplication and division.

You should have found out during the first 11-plus verbal reasoning Related Numbers quiz that these questions are quite easy to do if you look hard at the two outside numbers and try to work out the relationship first. Knowing that you are looking for just one of four operations makes them quite easy, if you are good at them - and good practice, if you are not!

Don't forget to read the helpful comments that appear once you've answered each question. Not only will they explain how the answer was arrived at, you might also learn something new about numbers in general.

Stay calm, take your time and see if you can get full marks in this challenging quiz.


(12 [4] 48), (19 [6] 114), (12 [ ? ] 36)


The correct answer is 3.

This is because 12 and 48 are related by dividing 48 by 12 to get the number in the middle. 19 is related to 114 in the SAME way (dividing 114 by 19 results in 6). The relationship is DIVIDE.
1 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(17 [36] 19), (23 [80] 57), (111 [?] 14)
17 and 19 are related by adding 17 to 19 to get the number in the middle. 23 is related to 57 in the SAME way (adding 23 to 57 results in 80). 111 + 14 = 125. The relationship is ADD. 17 and 19 are both prime numbers (which means they can only be divided by themselves and the number 1). If you add two prime numbers, you will always get an even number (unless one of your prime numbers is 2). Try it out!
2 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(24 [3] 8), (84 [4] 21), (120 [?] 60)
24 and 8 are related by dividing 24 by 8 to get the number in the middle. 84 is related to 21 in the SAME way (dividing 84 by 21 results in 4). 120 ÷ 60 = 2. The relationship is DIVIDE. 60 is an interesting number. Each hour has 60 minutes, and each minute has 60 seconds. If someone stays married for 60 years, what kind of anniversary would they enjoy? Read below for the answer
3 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(45 [135] 3), (34 [136] 4), (16 [?] 5)
45 and 3 are related by multiplying 45 by 3 to get the number in the middle. 34 is related to 4 in the SAME way (multiplying 34 by 4 results in 136). 16 x 5 = 80. The relationship is MULTIPLY. The answer to the little quiz in question 2? 60 years of marriage means a Diamond Wedding Anniversary
4 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(625 [1] 624), (883 [882] 1), (1000 [?] 500)
625 and 624 are related by subtracting 624 from 625 to get the number in the middle. 883 is related to 1 in the SAME way (subtracting 1 from 883 results in 882). 1000 - 500 = 500. The relationship is SUBTRACT
5 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(63 [126] 63), (38 [94] 56), (89 [?] 89)
63 and 63 are related by adding 63 to 63 to get the number in the middle. 38 is related to 56 in the SAME way (adding 38 to 56 results in 94). 89 + 89 = 178. The relationship is ADD. 89 is a Fibonacci number (part of a sequence of numbers where each number is the sum of the two numbers before it, like 3 being the sum of 1 and 2, and so on. Look up Fibonacci numbers online and see why they are so important in Mathematics
6 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(681 [3] 227), (525 [5] 105), (951 [?] 317)
681 and 227 are related by dividing 681 by 227 to get the number in the middle. 525 is related to 105 in the SAME way (dividing 525 by 105 results in 5). 951 ÷ 317 = 3. The relationship is DIVIDE
7 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(34 [204] 6), (78 [312] 4), (7 [?] 52)
34 and 6 are related by multiplying 34 by 6 to get the number in the middle. 78 is related to 4 in the SAME way (multiplying 78 by 4 results in 312). 7 x 52 = 364. The relationship is MULTIPLY. The factors of 34 are 1, 2, 17 and 34. What are the factors of 364? Read below to find the answer
8 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(8 [15] 7), (12 [21] 9), (21 [?] 29)
8 and 7 are related by adding 8 to 7 to get the number in the middle. 12 is related to 9 in the SAME way (adding 12 to 9 results in 21). 21 + 29 = 50. The relationship is ADD
9 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(342 [164] 178), (143 [87] 56), (1025 [?] 13)
342 and 178 are related by subtracting 178 from 342 to get the number in the middle. 56 is related to 143 in the SAME way (subtracting 56 from 143 results in 87). 1025 - 13 = 1012. The relationship is SUBTRACT
10 .
Look at the relationship between the first and last number in each set of brackets, and use that relationship to find the missing number.
Choose the correct answer from the four choices available.
(999 [3] 333), (402 [3] 134), (483 [?] 7)
999 and 333 are related by dividing 999 by 333 to get the number in the middle. 402 is related to 134 in the SAME way (dividing 402 by 134 results in 3). 483 ÷ 7 = 69. The relationship is DIVIDE. The answer to the little quiz set in question 7? You would expect loads of factors in the number 364, but there are only a few: 1, 2, 4, 7, 13, 91, 182, 364. So there!
Author:  Stephen O'Hara

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