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Word Connections 3

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Word Connections 3

Most of these words connect by being synonyms. A synonym is a similar meaning word, such as poorly and ill.

In this series of quizzes, you have to find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way. Choose the correct answer from the four choices available. The correct answer might be two opposites, two synonyms, or two words that share another characteristic.

In this particular 11-Plus Verbal Reasoning quiz the words you are looking for antonyms and synonyms - words with opposite or similar meanings. For example, antonyms of fear include bravery, courage and confidence. Synonyms of fear include anxiety, nervousness and worry.

After you've answered a question you'll find a helpful comment which will explain in detail why the answer is correct. If you find any of the questions difficult, then do read the helpful comment as it may help to explain things more clearly!

Example: Start is to (begin end today) as end is to (less finish send)

begin finish

begin send

end finish

today less

Answer: The correct answer is begin finish

begin is a synonym of start and finish is a synonym of end and the others are unrelated.
1 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Absent is to (missing present place) as retreat is to (advance leave engage).
missing leave
missing engage
present advance
place advance
The correct answer is present advance because present is the opposite of absent and advance is the opposite of retreat. Heard of Chinese whispers? Sometimes the message gets mixed up when you pass it on to someone. A famous example was in World War I when a general sent a message with runners back to headquarters: "Send reinforcements, we're going to advance!" was the message. What do you think was the message that eventually got back to base? Read below to find out
2 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Below is to (behind under around) as cheap is to (expensive inexpensive dear).
behind inexpensive
under dear
under inexpensive
behind dear
The correct answer is under inexpensive because below and under are synonyms of each other (mean the same thing) and cheap is a synonym of inexpensive
3 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Reckless is to (danger dangerous careless) as exhausted is to (awake sleepy tired).
danger awake
dangerous sleepy
careless awake
careless tired
The correct answer is careless tired because careless means the same thing as reckless, and exhausted means the same thing as tired. Sleepy almost works, but you can often be exhausted but not sleepy, while you must be tired if you are exhausted. The puzzle in question 1? The message that reached HQ was "Send three and fourpence, we're going to a dance!" Look at the two messages together and you will see how the mistake was made
4 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Resign is to (feeling surrender wish) as admit is to (confess deny avow).
surrender confess
surrender avow
wish deny
wish confess
The correct answer is surrender confess because resign is a synonym of surrender, and admit is a synonym of confess. Surrender is a word which comes to us from 15th Century French. It literally means sur- "over" + rendre "give back"
5 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Easy is to (complete simple difficult) as ebb is to (disappear move flow).
complete disappear
simple move
difficult flow
complete flow
The correct answer is difficult flow because difficult and easy are antonyms of each other (they mean the exact opposite) while the opposite of ebb is flow. Ebb means to decrease and flow means to increase. We use these words to refer to the movement of the tides
6 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Exterior is to (inside outside interior) as expand is to (contract expect exhale).
inside contract
interior contract
interior exhale
outside expect
The correct answer is interior contract because the opposite of exterior is interior and the opposite of expand is contract. Outside almost works, but the proper opposite of outside is inside, not interior!
7 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Feeble is to (weak sturdy able) as export is to (goods shipping import).
weak import
sturdy shipping
able goods
sturdy import
The correct answer is sturdy import because feeble and sturdy are opposites, and export and import are also opposites
8 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Frequent is to (occasional often seldom) as gather is to (give collect distribute).
seldom distribute
seldom collect
often give
occasional distribute
The correct answer is seldom distribute because frequent and seldom are opposites of each other, as are gather and distribute. If gather means to collect from a number of places, distribute means to give out to a number of places
9 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Granted is to (refused allowed shared) as giant is to (huge enormous pygmy).
refused enormous
refused huge
allowed pygmy
refused pygmy
The correct answer is refused pygmy because refused is the opposite of granted and pygmy is the opposite of giant
10 .
Find TWO words, ONE from each set in brackets below that will complete the sentence in the most sensible way.
Hinder is to (impede aid help) as encourage is to (persuade urge convince).
impede persuade
aid urge
impede urge
help convince
The correct answer is impede urge because hinder and impede mean the same thing, and encourage and urge also mean the same thing. Brilliant! Now you have completed 3 out of the 4 Word Connections quizzes, if you are doing them in order. If you are enjoying these quizzes, go quickly to Word Connections number 4. If you are not enjoying them, let us know what would make them better!
Author:  Stephen O'Hara

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