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Adjectives 01
There are many ways to describe bananas!

Adjectives 01

Welcome to this fun KS2 English quiz! Today, we're exploring adjectives. Adjectives are cool 'describing words' that make things more interesting. They help us talk about 'big, fluffy clouds' instead of just 'clouds'. So, when you write or talk, add some adjectives to make it awesome!

Using adjectives isn't just for writing – it makes speaking super fun too! Turn a regular sentence into something exciting. Make your diary, story, or poem sparkle with adjectives! Ready for the challenge? Take the quiz to become an adjective expert!

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1 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
The old cat paused to lick its sticky paws.
old, sticky
cat, paws
The, lick
paused, paws
'Old' describes the cat and 'sticky' describes the cat's paws.
2 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
The tattered blue dress hung on the abandoned washing-line.
The, blue, on
tattered, blue, abandoned
dress, hung, washing-line
on, the, abandoned
Adjectives are useful for making sentences vivid - we can imagine the 'tattered blue dress' and the 'abandoned washing-line' more easily than we can imagine a 'dress on a washing-line'.
3 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
The forest was dark and spooky.
The, was
forest, spooky
was, and
dark, spooky
'Dark' and 'spooky' describe the forest.
4 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
The plant began to look brown and shrivelled after weeks without water.
plant, look
began, weeks
brown, shrivelled
after, without
'Brown' and 'shrivelled' describe the plant.
5 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
The Queen lived in a grand palace.
'Grand' describes the palace - other adjectives which would make sense include: 'dilapidated', 'new', or 'tiny'.
6 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
They wanted sunny weather for an enjoyable picnic.
They, wanted
wanted, weather
sunny, enjoyable
for, picnic
'Sunny' describes the weather and 'enjoyable' describes the picnic.
7 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
The sound of the drill was terribly loud.
'Loud' describes the sound. 'Terribly' is an adverb and tells us HOW loud the sound is. If the sound was 'terrible and loud', both 'terrible' and 'loud' would be adjectives.
8 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
Children often prefer sweet food to savoury.
Children, often
prefer, food
often, to
sweet, savoury
'Sweet' and 'savoury' both describe food in this sentence.
9 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
The frightened little dog couldn't stop shivering.
frightened, little
little, dog
couldn't, shivering
stop, shivering
'Frightened' and 'little' both describe the dog.
10 .
Find the adjectives in the sentence.
The shiny, new car drove slowly down the quiet street.
The, car, down
shiny, drove, street
new, slowly, street
shiny, new, quiet
'Shiny' and 'new' describe the car, while 'quiet' describes the street.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Grammar

Author:  Sheri Smith

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