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Standard English
Do you know when to use standard English?

Standard English

Get ready for a KS2 English quiz all about standard English! How we talk and write has different styles - formal and informal. Just like how you talk differently to a baby, a friend, or a teacher. Standard English is a more formal way of writing and speaking. We use it to make a good impression.

This quiz will check how well you know standard English, the cool way we use it when we speak!

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1 .
Choose the correct sentence.
Ask Mary if you can lend her paintbrushes.
Ask Mary if you can borrow her paintbrushes.
Ask Mary if she'll borrow her paintbrushes.
Ask Mary if she won't borrow her paintbrushes.
All of the above.
Mary can lend her paintbrushes to someone else - someone else borrows Mary's paintbrushes.
2 .
Choose the correct sentence.
It were freezin' in school yesterday.
It were proper cold in school yesterday.
It weren't half cold in school yesterday.
It was extremely cold in school yesterday.
It were really cold in school yesterday.
Did someone forget to put the radiators on?
3 .
Choose the correct sentence.
I'll take one of them jumpers.
I'll have one of them jumpers.
I'll take one of those jumpers.
I'll just grab one of them jumpers.
I'll have myself one of them jumpers.
You will find that stories use informal language when a character is speaking.
4 .
Choose the correct sentence.
He should of been here today.
He should have been here today.
He should'of been here today.
He weren't here today.
He were nowhere today.
'Should've' sounds like 'should of', but as you'll know, it is actually the contraction of 'should have'. Remember the 'have' in 'could've' and 'would've', too.
5 .
Choose the correct sentence.
I could of learned my six times table, but I couldn't be bothered.
I could of learned my six times table, but I didn't care enough to try.
I could have learned my six times table, but I didn't care enough to try.
I could have learned my six times table, but I couldn't be bothered.
I could have learned my six times table, but I couldn't care less.
It's a common mistake to write 'of' instead of 'have'.
6 .
Choose the correct sentence.
She don't have nothing.
She haven't got anything.
She ain't got nothing.
She don't have anything.
She doesn't have anything.
If you break down the sentence, it says 'she do not have nothing' which actually means she has something!
7 .
Choose the correct sentence.
He didn't tell me nothing about the party.
He didn't tell me anything about the party.
He told me nothing about the party.
Either of the above.
Neither of the above.
'He didn't tell me anything' and 'he told me nothing' both have the same meaning.
8 .
Choose the correct sentence.
That's the team what won the cup.
That's the team wot won the cup.
That's the team won the cup.
That's the team's won the cup.
That's the team which won the cup.
Even though 'wot' isn't an actual word, you still might see it written in a story, as spoken by a character.
9 .
Choose the correct sentence.
He came round our house coz he were hungry.
He came over to our house because he were hungry.
He came over to our house because he was hungry.
He came round to our house coz he was hungry.
He came over to our house coz he were hungry.
This sentence is an example of dialect - it would be perfect for story dialogue, if that's how you wanted your character to speak, but it is not suitable for formal writing.
10 .
Choose the correct sentence.
I ain't had no breakfast.
I haven't had no breakfast.
I ain't had any breakfast.
I haven't had any breakfast.
I've not had no breakfast.
'I ain't had no breakfast' is an example of a double negative (ain't and no). You only need one negative to make a sentence negative. 'Ain't' is also a dialect word, rather than standard English.
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Using standard and non-standard English

Author:  Sheri Smith

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