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Internet Safety
If someone you don't know asks to be your friend on a social networking site, you should block them.

Internet Safety

In KS2 ICT children will take a look at internet safety and online security. This topic is arguably the most important part of ICT and it teaches children how to go about keeping themselves safe when on the internet.

Internet safety is all about online security. In the 'cyber' world, unlike the 'real' world, you frequently communicate with people whom you cannot see - on social media websites, in forums and even in some emails. Keeping yourself safe from bullies and your computer safe from viruses when using the World Wide Web is very important. This makes internet safety a necessary skill we all should learn.

See how much you have learned in school about online security and keeping safe when you are on the internet by trying this ICT quiz.

1 .
Which of these will help you keep your passwords safe?
Always tell your friends your passwords
Use the same password for everything
Change your passwords regularly
Make your passwords easy to guess
Change your passwords regularly, and never share them - even with friends
2 .
If someone you don't know asks to be your friend on a social networking site, what should you do?
Add them
Block them
Send messages to them
Never tell anyone
You should always block people you don't know - and tell an adult, too
3 .
Which of these will help keep you safe when using a chat room or an internet forum?
Using a nickname rather than your real name
Using an avatar (an online character image), instead of a photo of yourself, for your profile
Not sharing personal details such as your surname, school or address
All of the above
Don't give out personal details such as your full name, address or photo. Instead of a photo, you could also use a picture of a favourite singer, actor or football star - or your favourite animal
4 .
What is media-sharing?
Sharing your MP3 with someone
Showing a friend your holiday photos
Chatting via a social network
Sharing music, video, photos, or other types of files over the internet
You should only download music or videos from trusted websites - downloading copyrighted material without permission is illegal
5 .
How can you protect your computer from viruses?
Never click e-mail links or open attachments from people you don't know
Always remember to log off when you are finished using the computer
Do nothing - your computer will protect itself
Give it antibiotics
You have to be very careful on the internet. Some people like to spread viruses to your computer which might break it - or worse
6 .
Who should you tell if something or someone on the internet upsets you?
Only your friends
Only your little brother or sister
An adult whom you trust
Tell no one
If something on the Internet upsets you, tell a trusted adult immediately
7 .
What is cyber bullying?
When someone sends you an e-mail giving you the answers to your homework
When anyone uses the internet, a mobile, or other technology to deliberately upset someone
When someone disagrees with your opinion on an internet forum
When someone is nasty to a robot
Always tell someone if anyone uses any form of technology to make you feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or upset
8 .
When could you use a webcam?
You should never use a webcam
When talking to people you know in the real world
When talking to people you only know through the internet
When talking to anyone
Webcams are a wonderful way to see and talk to people who are far away, but remember that they can be used to take and store photos - only use webcams to speak to people you really know and trust
9 .
Which of these is NOT an example of online chatting?
Instant messaging (IM)
Using an internet forum
Reading an online news website
Commenting on blogs
Reading an online news website is a one-way exchange, not a two-way conversation
10 .
You should only open e-mails from who?
From people you know and trust
From people you don't know
From random websites
From people with obviously made-up names
Don't open e-mails from people you do not know and trust - they can contain viruses and other nasty surprises
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Your online safety

Author:  Sheri Smith

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