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Key Stage 2 Information and Communication Technology

KS2 ICT Illustration – Children Using a Computer

Interactive Learning for KS2 ICT

Discover why quizzes are such an enjoyable way to learn and revise the KS2 subjects taught at primary school. This teaching resource has a range of varied and interesting topics to engage children aged seven to eleven.

Subjects for ICT

The 9 quizzes in this section have clickable links below. Each quiz contains 10 questions, answers and helpful hints for Key Stage 2 ICT. Quizzes have titles that describe the subject and each one aligns with the KS2 National Curriculum for children aged 7 to 11 in Years 3 to 6.

ICT is short for Information and Communications Technology (it’s a bit of a mouthful, you can see why we shorten it). Put simply, it covers the basics of databases, presentations, spreadsheets and more. Don’t worry if it sounds like a lot of jargon, we break it all down for you in easy to understand bites. The great thing about learning ICT is it’s useful in almost all your school subjects.

Many of you will have to produce work on computers, especially when you get to secondary school, so learning the fundamentals of ICT might help you with any technological hiccups you may encounter along the way.

Most of the quizzes have a link at the bottom to the relevant BBC Bitesize page for extra revision.

How we communicate now is pretty impressive. We have said farewell to sending handwritten letters by carrier pigeon and have welcomed easier and faster ways of talking to one another. Email, text messages, Snapchat etc. It’s not as fun as attaching your letter to your pigeon pal Percy and giving him a quick treat, but we suppose it is far more convenient. Of course, there’s also the added bonus of not having pigeon poop in your home.

Enough about pigeon poop, we know some of you might be a bit confused by all the terms used in ICT. Worry not, young technological apprentice. Our quizzes will teach you all the different words you need to know. By playing our quizzes, you’ll become more familiar with them, their definitions and how to use them.

We can’t wait to teach you all about the latest technologies we use to communicate with one another and share information. Whether you’re keen to learn about graphics and communication or perhaps you want to know more about how spreadsheets work, we have quizzes to feed your technological knowledge and light up your curiosity. It’s a great chance for you to show us your computing skills!

Now let’s see what you’ve got!

Learn the basics of KS2 in our informative KS2 (Age 7 to 11) article.

Quiz Title Options
Communicating with Others Communicating with Others Play
Databases Databases Play
Digital Devices Digital Devices Play
Graphics Graphics Play
Internet Safety Internet Safety Play
Multimedia Presentations Multimedia Presentations Play
Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Play
The Internet The Internet Play
Word Processing Word Processing Play

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