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Addition and Subtraction (Year 4)
Double 47 is 94.

Addition and Subtraction (Year 4)

In Year 4, the second year in KS2 Maths, you'll tackle some tricky addition and subtraction problems. We're talking about big numbers and even negative numbers! But don't worry, you'll learn super cool ways to solve them.

Addition is when you add numbers, and subtraction is when you take them away. It's like having £10 and wanting to buy things that cost £3.47 and £6.91. You'd have £10.38, but you'd be 38p short. See how useful adding and subtracting is in real life?

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1 .
Which is the best strategy to calculate 38 + 37?
Count on 37 from 38
Double 38 and subtract 1
Add 50 to 38 then subtract 13
Multiply 38 by 3 subtract 39
2 x 8 = 16 and 2 x 30 = 60
60 + 16 = 76
76 - 1 = 75
2 .
Which is a good strategy for adding 19?
Add 20 and take away 11
Add 20 and take away 1
Take away 20 add 1
Take away 20 add 11
e.g. 46 + 19 so:
46 + 20 = 66
then 66 - 1 = 65
3 .
If we subtract a large number from a small number the total will be?
A fraction
A decimal
A multiple
A negative number
e.g. 8 - 10 = -2
4 .
Which strategy would be best to calculate 827 + 6?
Add 20 to 827 then subtract 14
Add 3 to 827 to make 830 then add 3
Count 827 on from 6
Subtract 10 from 827 then add 4
Most maths problems can be made simpler
5 .
What would we add to 56 to total 100?
100 - 56 = 44
6 .
What is the sum of 37 + 28?
Add the 10s first and then the units
30 + 20 = 50
then 7 + 8 = 15
then 50 + 15
7 .
What is the best method of subtracting 21?
Add 20 subtract 1
Subtract 20 add 1
Add 20 add 1
Subtract 20 subtract 1
e.g. 56 - 21 so:
56 - 20 = 36
then 36 - 1 = 35
8 .
What is double 47?
40 x 2 = 80 and 7 x 2 = 14
80 + 14 = 94
9 .
Which number sentence is incorrect?
28 + 35 = 63
63 - 35 = 28
35 + 28 = 63
28 - 35 = 63
The other correct number sentence would be 63 - 28 = 35
10 .
What is the missing number in 350 + ___ = 1,000?
100 - 35 = 65
so 1,000 - 350 = 650
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Adding and subtracting

Author:  Amanda Swift

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