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Multiplication and Division (Year 4)
The best method of multiplying 34 by 4 is to double and double again.

Multiplication and Division (Year 4)

In Year Four Maths KS2, children explore multiplication and division. They learn times tables and also multiply and divide larger numbers. Terms like 'product' and 'remainder' become familiar, and they discover how to find fractions, like halves or quarters.

To find the product of two numbers, simply multiply them. Numbers that divide another number are its factors. Products and factors are important in multiplication and division, used in everyday life, like shopping. For example, if Mum buys three toothbrushes at £4 each, she multiplies £4 by 3 to find the total cost.

Can you find the product of two numbers? Test your multiplication and division skills with this fun quiz!

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1 .
What is the best method of multiplying 34 by 4?
Double and double again
Multiply by 3 twice
Multiply by 3 then halve
Multiply by 2 then halve
Double twice to multiply any number by 4
2 .
How do you find half of a number?
Multiply it by 4
Divide it by 2
Multiply it by 2
Divide it by 4
Half means the same as divided by 2
3 .
What is the product of 3 and 6?
To find the product of two numbers they have to be multiplied together
4 .
Which of these is not equivalent to 64 x 3?
64 + 64 + 64
3 x 64
6 x 64 x 2
64 x 2 + 64
The correct answer is 192 but 6 x 64 x 2 = 768
5 .
Which times table would you have if you doubled the 4 times table?
The 2 times table
The 3 times table
The times table
The 8 times table
2 x 4 = 8
6 .
12 x 0 = ?
Any number multiplied by 0 will give the answer 0
7 .
How do you find quarter of a number?
Multiply it by 4
Divide it by 2
Multiply it by 2
Divide it by 4
Quarter means the same as divided by 4
8 .
Which is equivalent to multiply by 10 then double?
x 5
x 15
x 20
x 25
Remember that double means the same as x 2, so 10 x 2 = 20
9 .
If we divide 10 by 4 what is the answer?
2 remainder 2
It can’t be done
2 x 4 = 8 so there are 2 numbers left over
10 .
Which strategy would be best to multiply 87 by 5?
Multiply by 4 then add another 87
Double then multiply by 3
Multiply by 10 then halve
Multiply by 3 then halve
10 and 2 are easier numbers to deal with than 5 is
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Multiplying and dividing

Author:  Amanda Swift

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