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Negative Numbers (Year 6)
The temperature is -13o. If it rises 39o it will be 26o.

Negative Numbers (Year 6)

In KS2 Maths, you'll learn about negative or minus numbers. In Year Six, it's important to feel comfortable counting up and down in negative numbers and filling in missing numbers in a sequence. You'll also tackle addition and subtraction problems with 2 and 3 figure negative numbers.

Negative numbers are whole numbers below zero. Think about temperatures – if it's colder than 0oC, we say it's a minus temperature. Adding and subtracting with negatives can be tricky, but one trick is to rearrange the problem. For example:

14 - 8 = 6, so 6 - 14 = -8. It gets easier with practice!

Now, have some fun and test your skills with addition and subtraction of negative numbers in this quiz.

Are Quizzes the Key to Children's Success? Find Out
1 .
Which is the largest of these numbers?
Even the lowest positive number is higher than all the negative numbers
2 .
Which are the missing numbers in this sequence? -33, -35, ___, -39, -41, ___?
-36 and -43
-37 and -42
-37 and -43
-37 and -40
The numbers in this sequence are decreasing by 2 each time
3 .
Which of these statements is true?
-1 < -58
-23 < -1
2 < -99
-15 < -20
The symbol < means smaller than
4 .
The temperature is -13o. If it rises 39o what is the temperature now?
39 - 13 = 26 so -13 + 39 = 26
5 .
Which is the next number in the following sequence? 10, 5, 0, -5
The numbers are decreasing by 5
6 .
The temperature is -28o. If it rises 13o what is the temperature now?
28 - 13 = 15 so -28 + 13 = -15
7 .
The temperature is 6o. If it falls 18o what is the temperature now?
18 - 6 = 12 so 6 - 18 = -12
8 .
The temperature is -15o. If it falls 8o what is the temperature now?
15 + 8 = 23 so -15 - 8 = -23
9 .
Which of these statements is true?
-33 > -3
-29 > -28
-7 > -17
-44 > -34
The symbol > means greater than
10 .
Which of these is the lowest number?
Remember that the higher the negative number the less its value
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What are negative numbers?

Author:  Amanda Swift

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