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Solving Problems - Money (Year 6)
A cinema ticket costs £3.60 and a bucket of popcorn is £2.50. Five children went to the cinema and shared 3 buckets of popcorn. In total they spent £25.50.

Solving Problems - Money (Year 6)

In KS2 Maths, Year Six kids become money masters! They learn to use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division like superheroes. They can work out change, find costs, deal with percentages, and even switch between currencies. Now, they tackle bigger money challenges!

Money problems mean using addition for total costs, subtraction for change, and division/multiplication for saving secrets. Imagine saving £1.50 each week – how long to get £10? Ready for a fun quiz to test your money skills? Let's dive in!

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1 .
A coat costs £36 in a half price sale. How much did the coat cost before the sale?
36 x 2 = 72 so the coat must have cost £72 before the sale
2 .
There are 1.18 Euros to £1. A car costs 11,800 Euro. How much is the car in pounds?
To calculate divide 11,800 by 1.18
3 .
Peter has saved £23.78. He spends £15.29. How much does he have left?
To do this you could take away first the pence units, then pence tens, then pound units then pound tens:
£23.78 - 9p = £23.69
£23.69 - 20p = £23.49
£23.49 - £5 = £18.49
£18.49 - £10 = £8.49
4 .
There is 10% discount off a table usually costing £240. How much is the table after the discount?
To calculate 10% divide by 10
5 .
An estate agent’s fee for selling a house is 10%. How much is the fee for a house sold for £75,000?
Remember that 10% is the same as one tenth
6 .
What is the cost of 15 balloons at 23p each?
To work out 15 x 23 you could work out 10 x 23 and 5 x 23 and add the two together:
10 x 23p = £2.30 and 5 x 23p = £1.15
£2.30 + £1.15 = £3.45
7 .
Ali bought some cheese for £3.76, a chicken for £5.30 and a pan for £16. How much change did he have from £50?
£3.76 + £5.30 + £16 = £25.06 which is £4.94 less than £30. £30 is £20 less than £50
8 .
A cinema ticket costs £3.60 and a bucket of popcorn is £2.50. Five children went to the cinema and shared 3 buckets of popcorn. How much did they spend altogether?
To express this as a number sentence would be (3.60 x 5) + (2.50 x 3)
9 .
What is the total of £210, £15, £5.65 and £1.25?
One way to work this out is to add the pence first: 65p + 25p = 90p
Next add the units of pounds: £0 + £5 + £5 + £1 = £11
Then add the tens of pounds: £10 + £10 = £20
Then add all of these to the hundreds of pounds: £200 + £20 + £11 + 90p = £231.90
10 .
The total cost of 10 burgers is £16. How much does one burger cost?
To divide £16 by 10 just move the decimal point one place to the left:
£16.00 ÷ 10 = £1.60
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Solving money problems

Author:  Amanda Swift

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