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Time (Year 4)
It would take 3 minutes to boil an egg.

Time (Year 4)

In Year Four of KS2 Maths, we learn about time! We know seconds in a minute and days in a week. Now, we're discovering decades and centuries. We also master the 12 months and their days. Time can be digital or analogue, and we choose the right unit for events!

Days, months, and years are time units. Can you recall the number of days in each month? Here's a rhyme to help:

Thirty days hath September, April, June, and November,
All the rest have 31, except for February alone,
It has 28 each year, but 29 in each leap year.

Have a blast with this time quiz!

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1 .
Which unit of time would you use to measure how long since the Romans lived in Britain?
The Romans left Britain 1,500 years, or 15 centuries, ago
2 .
Which of these times is in the afternoon?
12:30 am
1:25 am
7:35 am
3:40 pm
a.m. is morning and p.m. is afternoon
3 .
Which unit of time would you use to measure how long you are in bed at night?
You need about 10 hours of sleep each night
4 .
What is equivalent to 100 years?
There are 100 years in a century, just like there are 100 centimetres in a metre
5 .
How long would it take to grow a long beard?
4 hours
4 weeks
4 months
4 centuries
Although only fully grown men can grow long beards!
6 .
How long would it take to boil an egg?
3 seconds
3 minutes
3 hours
3 days
Boiled eggs don't take long to cook at all
7 .
What time on an analogue clock is 3:58?
Two minutes to 3
Two minutes past 3
Two minutes to 4
Two minutes past 4
3:58 is 58 minutes past 3 which means there are 2 minutes left until 4 O'clock
8 .
How many years is a millennium?
1 million years
1,000 years
100 years
10 years
There are 1,000 years in a millennium, just like there are 1,000 millimetres in a metre
9 .
How would quarter to six be displayed on a digital clock?
Quarter to is equivalent to 15 minutes to
10 .
How many days in September?
28 days
29 days
30 days
31 days
30 days hath September, April, June and November
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Time

Author:  Amanda Swift

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