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Explore the world of KS2 Science with this quiz all about Classification! It's about putting similar plants, animals, and other living things into groups.

Classification means grouping alike species together. Our planet has millions of different species - plants, animals, fungi, and bacteria. Scientists organise them into groups to learn more. They compare similarities and differences to understand them better. In science lessons, you might have classified organisms too!

Test your skills in sorting animals and plants! Can you tell a fish from a whale, or know what invertebrates and vertebrates are? Try this fun science quiz on classification!

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1 .
Vertebrates are divided into five classes (groups). Which one of the following is not a class of vertebrates?
Marsupials, such as kangaroos, are mammals
2 .
If you were creating a classification key for sea animals, which question would separate dolphins from sharks?
Does the animal have eyes?
Is the animal a vertebrate?
Does the animal breathe through gills?
Is the animal a carnivore?
Dolphins must come to the surface of the water in order to breathe air, while sharks use their gills to breathe underwater. This is because dolphins are mammals, while sharks are fish
3 .
Which of the following is not an invertebrate?
A spider
A millipede
An octopus
A snake
Snakes are vertebrates because they have a spine. Invertebrates are divided into many groups. The largest group is the arthropods, which includes insects, arachnids and crustaceans. Molluscs, such as the octopus, are also invertebrates
4 .
What is an invertebrate?
An animal with wings
An animal with six legs
An animal without a spine
An animal which lays eggs
An animal with a spine is a vertebrate
5 .
If you were creating a classification key for a group of animals found on an island, which question would not separate turtles and birds?
Does the animal have feathers?
Does the animal lay eggs?
Does the animal have a shell?
Is the animal warm-blooded?
Turtles (which are reptiles) and birds both lay eggs
6 .
If you were creating a classification key for invertebrates, which question would distinguish between a spider and an ant?
Does the animal have an exoskeleton?
Does the animal have wings?
Does the animal have six legs?
Does the animal bear live young?
Although a small number of ants do have wings, most do not. The number of legs is the best difference between a spider and an ant
7 .
The plant kingdom is divided into two important groups. What are they?
Grasses and trees
Green plants and non-green plants
Flowering and non-flowering plants
Coniferous and deciduous plants
Non-flowering plants include algae, lichens, ferns and mosses. These plants produce spores rather than seeds
8 .
What uses a series of questions in order to identify unknown plants or animals?
Classification index
Bar chart
Comparison table
Classification key
A classification key can also be called an identification key. The questions use the similarities and differences between organisms to identify them
9 .
Which class of animals is warm-blooded?
Mammals are also warm-blooded, of course!
10 .
What does classification mean?
Grouping similar organisms together
Observing living organisms under a microscope
Randomly grouping living organisms in order to investigate their characteristics
Creating a classroom display of the results of an investigation
For example, all animals with feathers or all plants with flowers
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - What is classification?

Author:  Sheri Smith

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