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The tongue is not an involuntary muscle.


Get ready to flex those brain muscles in our exciting KS2 Science quiz! We're diving into the world of muscles, not just in humans but in animals too. This quiz explores the different types of muscles, what they're made of, and how they work by squeezing and relaxing.

Muscles are like magical tissues that make animals and humans move. They're made of stretchy protein fibres. Fun fact: 'muscle' comes from the Latin word for 'mouse' because moving muscles reminded people of mice. Check your biceps in the mirror and see if you agree!

Do all animals have muscles? Which muscle relaxes when you flex your biceps? Test your muscle knowledge with this awesome KS2 Science quiz!

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1 .
What are muscles made from?
Fat cells
Thin strands of iron
Thousands of small stretchy fibres
Each muscle is actually a bundle of small stretchy fibres made from protein
2 .
Which of these is not an involuntary muscle?
The heart
The diaphragm
The muscles lining the stomach
The tongue
The diaphragm (the powerful muscle under your lungs) is interesting - you don't need to make it contract (because it's involuntary), but you can if you want to. That's why people can control their breathing but don't have to think about every breath
3 .
Which of these is not true?
Snakes have very strong muscles to help them move
Some insects have thousands of muscles
Humans are the only animals with muscles
Birds need powerful muscles in order to fly
All animals have muscles
4 .
How do voluntary muscles always work?
Voluntary muscles always work on their own
Voluntary muscles always work in pairs
Voluntary muscles always work in groups of three
Voluntary muscles always contract at the same time
Voluntary muscles are the muscles you can control. They are also called 'skeletal' muscles. Involuntary muscles are also called 'smooth' muscles
5 .
Exercise makes muscles do what?
Grow bigger and stronger
Grow smaller and weaker
Become less stretchy
Become less effective
The more you use a muscle the bigger and stronger it gets, but if you don't use it, a muscle gets smaller and weaker
6 .
Skeletal muscles are usually attached to bones at both ends. Which muscle is an exception?
The tongue
The gluteus maximus
The tongue is only connected at one end - otherwise, how would you be able to chew and swallow, or even talk?
7 .
What do your muscles need in order to work?
Carbon dioxide and energy
Oxygen and food
Nitrogen and energy
Carbon dioxide and blood
The cells in the muscles can convert oxygen and food into energy
8 .
What attaches muscles to the skeleton?
Ligaments hold bones together at the joints
9 .
Your facial muscles allow you to do what?
To use your brain
To make different facial expressions
To hear
To lift heavy weights
You have more than 30 facial muscles. These allow you to make an enormous range of facial expressions
10 .
When you contract your bicep, what happens?
Your tricep relaxes
Your other bicep also contracts
Your arm lowers
Nothing else happens
Muscles work in pairs: when you contract your tricep, your bicep relaxes and when you contract your bicep, your tricep relaxes
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - How do your muscles work?

Author:  Sheri Smith

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