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Water skiing
Le ski nautique - water skiing.

Nouns - Leisure Time

What do ‘loisir’, ‘escalade’ and ‘planche à voile’ mean? How would you say, ‘hobby’, ‘horse riding’ or ‘things to do’?

In Year 7, 8 or 9 and studying French? This fast and fun revision quiz was written especially to help you.

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In each question you will be given a word or words in English. All you have to do is choose the French equivalent from the four choices offered.
1 .
La vedette
La mode
La randonnée
La foire
La vedette = film star
La randonnée = walk / hike
La foire = fair (fete / gala)
2 .
La musculation
La planche à voile
La plongée sous-marine
La natation
La musculation = weight training
La planche à voile = windsurfing
La plongée sous-marine = underwater diving
3 .
Le temps libre
Le tournoi
Le passe-temps
Le paysage
Le temps libre = free time
Le tournoi = tournament
Le paysage = landscape
4 .
Ice skating
Le skate
Le ski
Le ski nautique
Le patinage à glace
Le skate = skateboarding
Le ski = skiing
Le ski nautique = water skiing
5 .
La plage
La chanson
Le choix
La pêche
La plage = beach
La chanson = song
Le choix = choice
6 .
La croisière
Le forum
La chorale
Le loisir
La croisière = cruise
Le forum = chat room
Le loisir = free time / hobby
7 .
Things to do
Les sports d’hiver
Les distractions
Les feux d’artifice
Les échecs
Les sports d’hiver = winter sports
Les feux d’artifice = fireworks
Les échecs = chess
8 .
Soap opera
Le feuilleton
Le fana
Le jeu télévisé
Le lèche-vitrine
Le fana = fan (someone with a strong interest in something)
Le jeu télévisé = game show
Le lèche-vitrine = window shopping
9 .
Horse riding
La voile
Le volley
L’escalade = rock climbing
La voile = sailing
Le volley = volleyball
10 .
Le jardin zoologique
Le parc d’attractions
Le jardinage
Le parc
Le jardin zoologique = zoo
Le parc d’attractions = theme park
Le parc = park
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - French

Author:  Graeme Haw

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