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Level 3-4 Shapes - Imperial and Metric
A Formula One race must exceed 305 kilometres. Approximately how far is this in miles?

Level 3-4 Shapes - Imperial and Metric

Hey there, Maths whizz! Get ready to tackle imperial and metric units in KS3 Maths. Ever wondered about calculating shapes' areas in centimetres and then switching to inches? This quiz has got your back, making it a breeze!

Metric units are super neat, all based on powers of ten like metres, kilograms, and litres. Decimalisation makes it easy peasy. But there is another system you need to know...

A Parent's Secret Weapon for Smart Kids

The old-school imperial gang just refuses to go away! Miles, inches, yards, pounds, pints and other imperial measures are a bit random but still hanging around. You've probably bumped into pounds, ounces, miles, or Fahrenheit. Knowing rough metric equivalents for imperial units is like having a secret code - check these out:

  • 1kg = 2.2lb
  • 1 litre = 1.75 pints
  • 1 gallon = 4.5 litres
  • 5 miles = 8km
  • 1 inch = 2.54cm
  • 1 foot = 30cm
  • 12 inches in a foot
  • 16 ounces in a pound (lb)
  • 14lb in a stone

Now, it's practice time! Take this quiz, and you'll be a master of units in no time. Good luck!

A fuel tank holds 45 litres. Approximately how many pints will it hold?
40 pints
80 pints
120 pints
160 pints
A gallon of water weighs approximately 10 pounds
An imperial gallon of petrol contains approximately how many litres?
An American gallon is only equal to 3.78 L!
One yard equals three feet. How many inches are approximately equal to one metre?
30 inches
33 inches
36 inches
39 inches
A metre is about 3.25 yards
A Formula One race must exceed 305 kilometres. Approximately how far is this in miles?
90 miles
190 miles
290 miles
390 miles
There are approximately 1.6 kilometres in a mile
John buys 10 kilograms of potatoes. Approximately how much does he have to carry home in ounces?
253 ounces
352 ounces
523 ounces
532 ounces
1 kilogram equals approximately 2.2 pounds and 1 pound equals 16 ounces
An ounce weighs approximately how many grams (g)?
2.8 g
8.2 g
28 g
82 g
So, a quarter of an ounce would be 7g
Choose the largest drink from the following.
1 gallon of orange juice
1 pint of milk
1 litre of water
2,000 ml of tea
Remember this phrase: 'A litre of water is a pint and three quarters'
Which is the largest weight of the following?
2 kg
7 lbs
1,860 g
17 oz
1 kg is approximately equal to 2.2 lbs. 'lbs' means pounds
Which is further: 10 miles or 10 kilometres?
10 kilometres
10 miles
They are the same
None of the above
One mile is approximately equal to 1.6 kilometres
Adam is 6 feet 4 inches tall, approximately how tall is he in metres and centimetres?
1 m 64 cm
1 m 80 cm
1 m 90 cm
2 m 10 cm
1 foot contains 12 inches. 1 inch equals approximately 2.5 cm
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Imperial to metric

Author:  Frank Evans

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