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Level 5-6 Algebra - Equations with Brackets
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Level 5-6 Algebra - Equations with Brackets

Algebra is a part of your KS3 Maths journey that you'll need to get the hang of. This quiz is all about equations (a big part of algebra), specifically ones with brackets. Get ready to figure out the value of x or other letters like a or b by shuffling around letters and numbers. It's like a beginner's guide to equations, helping you grasp the concept.

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1 .
If 6a - 5 = 20, which of the following is incorrect?
6a = 25
a = 25 / 6
a = 416
a = 4.25
You will often find that you have a term such as 6a and you need to separate the 6 from the a in order to determine the value of a
2 .
If 5(x + 2) = -35, what is the value of x?
5 x -7 = -35
3 .
3b - 16 + b = 1 is the same as which of the following?
4b = 1 - 16
4b = 1 / 16
4b = 1 + 16
4b = 1 x 16
When - 16 crosses the equals sign it changes to + 16
4 .
If 4(x - 5) = 10, what is the value of x?
4x - 20 = 10 and therefore 4x = 30
5 .
3a + 6 + b = 3a + 5 is the same as which of the following?
b = 3a - 3a + 5 - 6
b = 3a + 3a + 5 - 6
b = 3a - 3a - 5 + 6
b = 3a - 3a + 5 + 6
The correct answer could be further simplified to b = -1
6 .
3 x a + 4 = 6 is the same as which of the following?
3 x a = 6 - 4
3 x a = 6 / 4
3 x a = 6 + 4
3 x a = 6 x 4
When the 4 crosses the equals sign it changes from + 4 to - 4
7 .
5(a - 4) is the same as which of the following?
5a + 20
5a - 20
5a - 4
Removing brackets this way is referred to as 'expanding the brackets'. In this case the 5 outside of the brackets must be multiplied by BOTH the a and the - 4 that are inside the brackets
8 .
If 16(a + 7) = 128, what is the value of a?
16a + 112 = 128 and therefore 16a = 16
9 .
2x - 6 could be written as which of the following?
(x - 3)2
2(x - 3)
Either of the above
Neither of the above
Basically, 2x - 6 is the same as (x - 3) times 2
10 .
Look at the following equation and choose the correct answer when the brackets have been expanded: 4(a + 3) = 5(b - 8)
4a - 12 = 5b - 40
4a - 12 = 5b + 40
4a + 12 = 5b - 40
4a + 12 = 5b + 40
We're multiplying the values in brackets by the numbers in front of them
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Equations

Author:  Frank Evans

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