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Level 5-6 Algebra - Graphs 02
Get good at graphs by playing this quiz.

Level 5-6 Algebra - Graphs 02

Hey there! In KS3 Maths, you're diving into the world of graphs. Graphs help us with shapes, information, reflections, rotations, and even algebra!

Algebra involves x and y values, and formulas for describing shapes. This quiz is all about using graphs to create lines and gradients – exciting stuff!

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1 .
The following coordinates are at either end of a line drawn on a graph: (-3, 3) and (6, 3). Where does this line appear?
Above the x axis
Below the x axis
Along the x axis
All to the left of the y axis
This is a horizontal line - note that in both sets of coordinates the second numbers are the same
2 .
The following coordinates are at either end of a line drawn on a graph: (-5, -3) and (-5, 8). Where does this line appear?
To the right of the y axis
To the left of the y axis
Along the y axis
All above the x axis
This is a vertical line - note that in both sets of coordinates the first numbers are the same
3 .
The following coordinates are at either end of a line drawn on a graph: (0, -1) and (0, 7). Where does this line appear?
To the right of the y axis
To the left of the y axis
Along the y axis
All above the x axis
Both sets of coordinates show the x axis figure of 0 and this means that the line must run up and down the y axis
4 .
A graph in the form of y = b is what?
A straight horizontal line
A straight vertical line
A left to right diagonal line
A right to left diagonal line
Listen up because this is important....... In the above equation (y = b) the b part of the equation really means anything/something. What you might be asked is something like 'draw the graph y = -2'
5 .
Describe the line y = -2
A horizontal line running two units above the x axis
A horizontal line running two units below the x axis
A vertical line running two units to the left of the y axis
A vertical line running two units to the right of the y axis
Every coordinate on the line would have the structure of (?, -2)
6 .
A graph in the form of x = a is what?
A straight horizontal line
A straight vertical line
A left to right diagonal line
A right to left diagonal line
In the above equation (x = a) the a part of the equation really means anything/something. What you might be asked is something like 'draw the graph x = 4'
7 .
Describe the line x = 4
A horizontal line running four units above the x axis
A horizontal line running four units below the x axis
A vertical line running four units to the left of the y axis
A vertical line running four units to the right of the y axis
Every coordinate on the line would have the structure of (4, ?)
8 .
The graph y = x has a line that goes from where to where?
Quadrant 3 to quadrant 1
Quadrant 3 to quadrant 2
Quadrant 3 to quadrant 4
All the line must be in quadrant 3
Think of it this way: if y = 4 then x = 4, if y = -4 then x = -4. In other words, whatever the first number in the coordinates, the second number will always be the same
9 .
The graph y = -x has a line that goes from where to where?
Quadrant 2 to quadrant 1
Quadrant 2 to quadrant 3
Quadrant 2 to quadrant 4
All the line must be in quadrant 2
Think of it this way: if y = 4 then x = -4, if y = -4 then x = 4. In other words, whatever the first number in the coordinates, the second number will always be the same BUT with the opposite sign
10 .
Which day of the week comes immediately after Monday?
After all that heavy stuff we thought you deserved an easy question!
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Graphs

Author:  Frank Evans

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