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Level 5-6 Numbers - Percentages - Parts
Simona buys a dress in the sales at 60% less than the marked price of £38.50. How much does she pay for it?

Level 5-6 Numbers - Percentages - Parts

A percentage is like a special kind of fraction in KS3 Maths. When you spot the percentage sign (%), it means you're dealing with hundredths. Being confident with percentages is important, and this quiz is here to help you understand the parts of whole numbers represented by percentages.

A percentage is a fraction with a denominator of 100. So, 44% is the same as 44100, and 130% is 130100. Percentages pop up a lot in daily life, making things much easier when you get the hang of them!

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1 .
What is 5% of 84 kg?
4.2 kg
8.4 kg
20 kg
23.6 kg
You can work this out by finding out what 10% is (8.4) and then halving it, as 5 is half of 10!
2 .
What is 86% of 200?
To work this one out just double 86
3 .
At the market, towards the end of trading, the flower seller reduces her flowers to half price. What percentage has she knocked off?
Half of 100% = 50%
4 .
Simona buys a dress in the sales at 60% less than the marked price of £38.50. How much does she pay for it?
Sounds like a bargain to me!
5 .
Jonah is baking cakes and needs 35% of a bag of sugar weighing 240 g. How many grams will Jonah use?
80 g
82 g
84 g
86 g
One way to work this out is to divide 240g by 20 to find 5% then multiply your answer by 3 for 15%
6 .
What is 10% of £480?
10% is the easiest to work out because it's the same as one tenth
7 .
What is 75% of £467?
75% is the same as 3/4
8 .
What is 15% of 3,000 light years?
450 light years
480 light years
663 light years
800 light years
3,000 x 0.15 = 450
9 .
Abigail ran 800 metres on school sports day. Ben only ran 40% of Abigail's distance. How far did Ben run?
120 metres
210 metres
240 metres
320 metres
800 x 0.4 = 320
10 .
What is 17% of £100?
A nice easy one!
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Percentages

Author:  Frank Evans

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