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Music and Media 01
Music in a play, tv programme, radio or video game is known as incidental music.

Music and Media 01

In KS3 music you'll look at many different aspects of music. Music is everywhere - in shops, on the television, in films, on radios and in many other places besides. This quiz focuses particularly on music used in the media.

Music is used extensively in the media. In films it is used to add atmosphere - horror films often feature 'spooky' discordant music and 'feel-good' films will have upbeat music. Television programmes use music in a similar way and TV channels may have their own musical 'jingle'. One of the most common uses of music in the media is in advertising. Most commercials feature a song, often a well-known popular piece of music.

A famous quote from John Lennon; "I don't know which will go first - rock 'n' roll or Christianity." We can't answer John's query yet as both Christianity and rock 'n' roll are still here - and so is music in the media. Try this quiz to see how much you know about the subject.

1 .
What is a 'chromatic' movement?
A type of slow movement in a concerto
A scale or sequence where notes move in semi-tones
A change of tempo
None of the above
A chromatic scale includes 12 notes, rather than 7
2 .
What is incidental music?
Music with lots of sudden dynamic sections
Music which represents different types of dance
Music in a play, tv programme, radio, video games etc.
None of the above
Strictly speaking it's a music format used in the context of something not primarily musical. Films tend not to fall in this category and are usually referred to as soundtracks
3 .
What is the main function of music in film?
As a convenient space filler
It doesn't really have a function - there's little point!
To compensate for the bad acting
To enhance the effect of the scene
Music provides an additional finer layer of description to a scene: for instance music can be used in film to represent emotion, violence, nature etc.
4 .
What best describes timbre?
A way of distinguishing different kinds of sound
A tempo marking
A bpm marking
None of the above
Even if they play the same note at the same pitch and with the same loudness, a piano and a flute still have their own distinct timbre
5 .
Music is found in what types of media?
All the above
Any media with sound will use music
6 .
What is a 'resolution'?
Movement from a dissonant to a consonant chord
Movement from a consonant to a dissonant chord
Movement from a loud to a quiet dynamic
Movement from a fast to a slow tempo
It's called 'resolution' because it 'resolves' the discordant sound into a harmonic one
7 .
Which uses music for purposes of commercial gain?
Video games
Technically all of the above
It's true! If you think about it, all of the above feature common themes which are designed to become both familiar and appealing to the consumer
8 .
What is another way of describing 'discord'?
Discordant music lacks harmony
9 .
What does the term 'sforzando' relate to?
Key signature
Sforzando, which means 'forceful', is abbreviated as sf, sfz or fz
10 .
Which of these is a film composer?
Claudio Monteverdi
J.S. Bach
John Williams
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Williams has written music for many films, perhaps most famously, the Star Wars saga
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Music

Author:  Thomas Daish

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