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Year 8 Revision 01
How much can you remember from your music lessons?

Year 8 Revision 01

Have you come to the end of your Year 8 studies? If so, your musical knowledge should have expanded considerably. However, as you've learned so much, you may have forgotten a couple of things. Fear not! We have the perfect way to jog your memory - this quiz covers a range of topics from multiple units of the KS3 Year 8 syllabus. It's a convenient way to revise!

Can you identify chord symbols and numerals? Do you know where you'd most likely find riffs and hooks? Can you say what an overture is? There is so much to learn in KS3 music, so why not test yourself to see how much you've remembered?

Do yourself a favour and play the following quiz. It will sharpen your mind and hone your knowledge of all things to do with music! What's more, it recaps all of the units you looked at in Year 8, so will help you revise. Take your time, read each question carefully and think hard before choosing the correct answers. And don't forget to read the helpful comments - they might just make the difference!

1 .
What is an overture?
A 4-part chorale
A type of guitar solo
A type of solo tenor aria
An instrumental introduction to a large piece of music
Strictly speaking, the instrumental introduction to large-scale dramatic, choral or sometimes instrumental compositions
2 .
An ostinato is when .......
a section of music is played particularly loudly
the music stops
a motif/phrase is persistently repeated
None of the above
....... by the same musical voice, e.g. the 5/4 underlying rhythm in Gustav Holst's 'Mars'
3 .
Which chord symbols move from tonic to dominant?
I - IV
I - II
II - V - I
None of the above
Tonic to dominant = I - V. V - I = dominant to tonic!
4 .
What is Gota music?
A brass fanfare arrangement
A style of dance music from Africa
A type of Indian solo concerto
A type of modern disco music
Gota usually features the 'mystical' calabash drum
5 .
What happens in variation form?
A theme is played once, followed by a contrasting theme
A theme is repeated and remains identical each time
A theme is repeated and changed in some way each time
None of the above
It might be wise when revising to make a list of different forms and their attributes
6 .
A basic major triad is .......
a type of loud drone heard in wedding music
a chord with a bass root, a major 3rd and perfect 5th
a type of key signature
None of the above
Triad = bass root, chord = root not necessarily in bass
7 .
Where are hooks and riffs commonly found?
In baroque concertos
In Gregorian chant
In organ voluntaries
In popular music
Hooks are supposed to grab the listener's attention
8 .
In music, bars are characterised by .......
groups of strong and weak beats
pedal lines
performance directions
playing them quietly
The strong beat usually being the first of each bar
9 .
What does the numeral 'V' stand for?
All of the above
Also known as the 5th degree of the diatonic scale
10 .
Which of these is a mode for a scale degree?
All of the above
The other examples are made up. 'Ionian', not ironian!
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Music

Author:  Thomas Daish

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